English Poems on Nature – A Set of Poems
Photo credit: earl53 from morguefile.com
Poem 1- The eternal dawn.
The dawn is gleeful
With the shadow of my beloved.
It cheers
With the tone of her voice.
The sun welcomes the morn,
With the painting of my beloved.
She flashes the light
To show her eternal beauty.
The sky is proud
With her reddish colour.
I’m so costly
Because of my divine sweetheart.
I’ve forgotten all the spheres of life
Except the morn.
I’ve forgotten all
Except my divine sweetheart.
Poem 2 – Rainy day.
The dreamy building
Is bathing in the rainy season.
Saplings quench their thirst,
While raindrops fill their hearts.
The young leaves bow down their heads,
When raindrops kiss their dry faces.
Poem 3 – The blue sky
Is covered with dence cloud.
The earth is so calm
With her thirsty heart.
Raindrops are falling
To quench her thirst.
Everyone sings gleefully
As the day is rainy.
I also sing happily
Because of my sweetheart.
She quenches my thirst,
Like raindrops quench her mother’s thirsty heart.
Poem 4 – The full moon.
The night cheers
With the glittering light of the full moon.
The entire sky is reddish
Because of her sight.
All the people groan
For their agony.
Among them I’m the one
Who suffer for deadly sweetheart.
Like the moon
She gladdens my heart.
I’ve enjoyed her loving soul
With the emergence of the full moon.
She has left me
Although she has presented me wonderful full moon.

A Set of Poems
Photo credit: mnp from morguefile.com
Poem 5 – The morning bird.
A cuckoo bird breaks the silence
Of the wintry morning.
Although all the people are sleeping,
She appeals us,
With her happy note,
To awaken from the wintry bed.
And how to begin a day’s work.
She hides her face
With a veil of darkness.
But she unveils her face
In the wintry night.
She sings
To give the odour
And perfection of the wintry dawn.
Let’s praise
For the eternal bird.
Let’s sing
For her divine voice,
Who breaks the silence
Of the wintry morning.
And welcomes the day with her divine singing.
Poem 6 – My sweetheart.
I never lament
Because I’ve stored my sorrows in my beloved’s heart.
I see none
Except her beautiful vision.
I fear
That she will disappear like the sinking moon.
But I hope
That she will appear in the east like the sun.
I’m worshipper
Of her noble soul.
I’m a passionate lover
Of her magical note.
By – M S Ahas,