That the neat and clean rock
In the midst of the river flows
Up above the level of water
That touches every now then
That washes the dirt on them
The names that we engrave
Together with your hair pins
Still reminds me all together
I snatched from the hair knot
I wrote your and my names
With so much love that I’ve
Still alive and shines as eyes
While you stared at mine so
Deeply inside my heart too
Our feet were hanging under
The water that flows down
The legs were touching often
So, exited we were both even
We held each one under arms
I lost my patience but you not
Not now, not the right time even
You said and I followed in toto
And thrashed my lips far away
I neither squashed nor did kiss
I balanced and became cool as
The morn breeze of the sea as
The moonlit night up the sky
As the hunter that understands
If he would kill the mother with
The fawns would become orphan
There is a body that we carry but
The soul inside it free and frank
It reminds before we do wrong
Since then we knew each other
Our love was deepened sea alike
We met at the foot of the tree
At the shore of the crying sea
At Puri Mumbai and Goa beech
Enjoying the Sun rising from up
So reddish apples alike round as
The fireball or the fireclay alike
The water of the sea so bluish
Looked around red as your lips
The tide was so cruel that it
Took me far away from the shore
I never forget that day you held
My leg and was drowned along
We’re up to breathe to survive
We’re down into to breathe last
The miracle that happened in life
Hope against hope we thought
With the God’s grace if we come
Back the shore to see face to face
We would marry to live together
And Bravo! the tide was so kind
That dropped us back at the shore
No sooner did we peep into eyes
The thirst that was inside hearts
Was quenched for ever and ever
No sooner did we embrace around
Than kissed and kissed each other
Durga Prasad