Poems on Different Moods
ARROGANZA IN CENERI – Poems on Different Moods
(Title in Italian)-(Arrogance into Ashes)
No way I had
To escape the insulting moment
You all around me
Like wolves around the prey.
With your worst gestures
You all laughed at me,
Called me an ‘ugly fool’,
After a long torture you left me, alone.
Damped were my eyes,
Lost was my conscience,
I remained stayed at the same place,
Until the sun longed to rest.
That night in my dreams,
On my knees I found myself,
Begging pardon to all O’ you,
For no wrong I’d done.
On the bed of riches were you all lying,
Pouring coins upon me,
‘Go, change your clothes’, said you,
I was wounded by hitting your coins.
You again laughed at me,
You pushed me back, I fell down,
You disappeared and I cried again,
My cries echoed in the entire universe.
But would you believe
The ‘ugly fool’ has his day now?
He’s bought your riches for his wisdom
And has become your Saviour.
You laughed at the talent
That, you never had,
Tended you to burn in jealousy
And turned you into ashes.
I can now snatch your breathes,
I can now let you wander naked,
But revenge I never believed in
And malice I never practised.
PRASIDDHIM PATHAM – Poems on Different Moods
(title in Sanskrit)-(Path to glory)
At dawn, I awoke, saw the glow,
Peeped birds through window
And the sun smiling and growing
Farmers in the filed seeds sowing.
To get ready I was told,
As a long journey we’d to hold.
Newly for me were the garments,
So I was ready to go with my parents.
Covered we a long distance
Yet the cause unknown to my sense.
The sun moved onto the west,
We’d still no halt –nor rest.
As the sun shut the door,
The darkening could none ignore.
Morn the next had we seen,
To know the aim still I keen.
Reached we a hut, met an unknown,
Our gesture—as if we’d won
We conveyed our reverence
“Pranam Gurudev” I cracked the sentence.
His hand waved on my head,
Felt as if a weary man gets under shed,
To see the eternity were my eyes,
To gain the virtue and flee the vice.
Then I entered my Prime,
Possessed I the precious shrine,
To command the world the whole,
And To make each one a great soul.