Life is a narrative.
Life is a narrative
Which is like the pages of book.
We feel and read
The pages of the book.
It has its own uniqueness
And limitless beauty.
It has defined and undefined stories
Within a book
And within a name.
The soul marks the beginning and the end.
Life is a narrative.
We can smell those pages
Which are fresh and new
Or we can see the pages getting yellow
Like the life’s cycle of being young and old.
life is a narrative.
There is no way we can undermine
The stories which we write
In our memories or realities.
Life is a narrative.
Poetry of Life
The song of life
Is full of mysteries,
A handful of tragedies
Along with the comedies.
It is a song of getting enlightenment
Along with several entitlements.
It is the poetry of life
Which makes us realise the value of life.
We write our own songs of life
Without hesitation
Because we know there should be no barrier during expression.
This song of life
Has verses full of meaning
And no words are demeaning.
Let us add our virtues
In our own songs of life.
So, that it gets its own space
In this world which is losing humanity’s meaning.
The Path of Salvation.
Oh Lord! Let me meet you.
Lead me to the path of salvation.
I will be thankful to you,
If you gift me salvation foe my realisation.
The great path of salvation
Increases my faith in you.
Oh Lord! make my soul evolve with gratification
And take me with you.
This is the world so selfish and gruesome.
Oh Lord! Free my soul from all sins
So that I can walk on the path leading to salvation
Without following the world which good only for cremation.
Oh Lord! I will follow you without any hesitation
Guide me to reach the point of salvation.
My heart is full of gratitude and realisation.
Oh Lord! Help me to complete my resolution.
Oh Lord! I can see my skin wearing out
And my eyes twinkling with hope.
I will see you and leave this world
To seek salvation.