Every child dreams to have a great family, family that can understand him, family which can be his best companion to support him in his life.
My family.. Always I have been thinking that my family, the members from it are not of my type. Till now I have always been complaining my worries, my anger to them. But never tried to respect them, obey them and most of all Trust them.
I always thought that friends are the ones who can help me in better way rather than my family members…
But when the difficulties came to my way in real sense it was only my Family, who helped me, saved me, fighter for me, rather than friends.
From then my words changed, my feelings for my family changed. I was no more the way I was. I tried to understand them, believe them and most of all Trust them.
Then I knew the real meaning of my family.
F- Friends
A- Action for happiness
M- Marvelous
I- Inspiring words
L- Lovable
Y- Your true value
Try always to know your family. The more you love them the more they will care for you.
They always thinks to secure their child, but we children only tries to disobey them. We also should think from their point of view. They scold us, not because they want us to pull down but they always tries to make us a very good person by pulling down our mistakes.
We always thinks, or get a question that why our parents forces us to obey all the rules made by them? Should we obey all the rules made by them?
The answer is Yes and only Yes…
Because in that YES there are so many hidden good words,that can make us a good personality in our future.
So put that NO outside the mind, and let us start practicing YES.