Family Story – The Second Lady
Photo credit: greyerbaby from morguefile.com
He was breathless, holding a paper, which he got from the desk of Rini and her lifeless body was lying on the bed.
Read that once, twice, and on and on and on! Now neither his heart nor eyes were cooperating him to read that once more. With this he lost his hope of life. Ah! What a blunder and silly mistake ruined him absolutely.
“Papa! O Papa! What is this you brought?” excited Rini asked.
“This is for you my sweet heart. You were in demand for a pet so …” replied Mr. Gautam Sharma with a grin on his face.
“I love you so much Papa. Now we are three in the family. Isn’t?” Rini was overwhelmed.
“Papa, we will call it Fini, just like Rini.” Rini spoke excitedly.
Gautam and Rini both had an unbreakable bonding. After Rini’s mother’s death, Gautam was playing both roles for her. He was not only her father but her mother too. Now Rini is in 9th standard and was doing well in her studies.
Gautam loved his wife very much and promised her to spend his whole life in her memories only.
“Papa! Can I carry this parrot into my room ?” Rini requested .
“Surely baby, go on.” Gautam replied.
Now Rini used to talk to the new member of the family. She loved to give it food grains and water. On the very dark night once she saw that the parrot was looking enormous restless, fluttering it’s wings. Rini awakened and pulled her father to do something for it.
“What rubbish are you talking about? How do I know about its problem? Let me go and sleep, as it’s already midnight. “Irritated Gautam said.
“But Papa……. ” Rini murmured.
dhmmm … and the door was closed and Gautam left the room.
Rini could not sleep and tried to empathize with the parrot.
“Oh! so lonely it is!!! Is it just like me? No, no not at all! Papa loves me very much. He brought it to me, to see smile on my face.” She consoled herself.
But she could not stop comparing her life with parrot. She is in the most sensitive phase of life i.e. at her teens. As says this is the most complicated phase of life where the children always remain on cloud 9. They need to be given special attention and guidance during this awesome phase. They can sing with the birds, they can fly without wings. Their life is surrounded by various hues. They can see beauty in nature. They can dance on the rhythm of the flow of water. Although having great power to achieve anything yet very sensitive to depress on small issues.
Rini helped her father in preparing breakfast and now they are going to munch.
“Papa! Now I have to select subject of my choice.” Rini told her father.
“So, what’s a big deal? You must opt Science, because there is always a bright future for the science students.” Gautam told firmly.
“But Papa, as you know, I sing well. I would rather prefer to opt music, so that I could accomplish a dream of Mom.” begged Rini.
Gautam shouted furiously, “didn’t you get me once? What rubbish are you talking about? Your mother never dreamt like that. Never ever….and how did you know regarding her dream?”
At once Rini shut her mouth and left the home with moist eyes. For the first time she saw her father behaving so rude. But no matter what, she bowed her head towards her father’s decision.
She opt science but she knew very well that it was not her cup of tea. She was helpless. Her heart was broken into pieces. She wished her mother to be there for her. If she were alive, she would surely understand her pain.
Gradually she made a distance from Gautam. Rarely does she laugh with him.
Gautam did not notice of the sudden change appeared in Rini’s attitude, as he was damn busy with his work.
Gautam loved his angel very much and never tried to hurt her intentionally. But at this issue he was adamant on his decision. He tried his level best to convince Rini, his sweet heart, his angel but he was fail. Rini isolated herself and opened to her friend Fini only.
“Fini, tell me, don’t I have the right to live my life according to my choice? I want to sing, just like my fairy Mom. I want to accomplish her dream. I want to fly with my dreams alive. O Papa! Let me fly. In the sky high, high and high, I want to fly. I am having colorful dreams, how can he break them and behave like a dictator only. Fini! I miss my Mom too much. I need her badly.”
Fini was staring at Rini patiently with moist eyes as if it comprehended the grief of the little angel. It fluttered its wings in restlessness.
Rini tried hard to sleep. She was not able to accept her father’s decision.
Three years back
“Gautam, I am leaving for the studio, will you please drop Rini to the School?” Julie asked loudly having a toast in one hand and a glass of orange juice in other.
“O sure darling. I will take care of everything. Do your best. May your song would be nominated for the national award.” Gautam replied.
Julie was enthralled by the last words of Gautam. Gautam always cooperated Julie and this is the reason, julie loved him utterly. Without losing a minute, Julie turned back and gave her husband a warm hug to express her eternal love. Gautam also embraced and kissed her on her forehead in return.
The pleasant time was about to transform its side.
Gautam called her wife in anxiety and asked, “Hey honey! Where are you baby? We both are waiting for you for the dinner. Come soon.”
“Gautam, my sweetheart, it will take some more time, I guess. Why don’t you start? And please take care of Rini too.” Julie requested in a low tone.
It was already 9 pm and there is no sign of Julie. Gautam was about to make a call again, the door bell rang. Hastily Gautam opened the door. He took a sigh of relief to see Julie back. Julie was extremely fatigued, she just fell on the couch and fell asleep in a deep slumber. Gautam swiftly arranged a soft pillow under her neck and covered her with a pink soft sheet. He himself laid near the couch on the carpet only. He loved to see his wife’s candid face.
Early in the morning Gautam awakened with the touch of soft fingers brushing his curly hair. Gautam loved the presence of his beloved wife. Holding her hand Gautam asked, “No more such toiling darling? I am absolutely fine. I don’t need anything else in my life. You both angels have accomplished my life. So, leave the idea of collecting excessive amount to get my leg operated. I am absolutely fine with my clutches darling.”
Julie helped him getting up from the carpet and embraced him lovingly from his back.
“Julie is not doing any hard work for you sweet heart. I am a very selfish person, you know. I wish one day, you to chase me on the sea shore. We will play outdoor games along with our baby angel, which she has been missing for last two years. It was my mistake ….I wish I could remove all the pain from your life.” Julie whispered .Her throat was chocked, water filled her eyes.
Julie used to repent for her blunder mistake which ruined her husband’s life. She used to curse her for that day when she insisted Gautam to take her for the last show of movie. If she did not force Gautam, this incident would not have happened with him.
Five years back
After watching a movie when they were returning home by walk, some boys with malice mind followed them. They started to tease Julie. Julie was scared, gripped Gautam’s arm tightly. Rini was behind them, scared.
Gautam fought with them and they were frightened and about to run. Suddenly one of them hit a stick on Gautam’s right leg sharply and Gautam fell down with a great pain, could not walk properly thereafter. Doctors advised to get an operation, which will cost up to 5-10 lac. Gautam was a science professor and Julie was a budding singer…or a clamber in the music industry. Talent gets opportunity, if you have links only; otherwise it’s an arduous task.
Since then Julie took the responsibility of the operation and put her family’s life back on the track… back to the moments of rejoicing. And the most awaited day has arrived. Julie made all the necessary arrangements for Gautam’s surgery.
Julie told Gautam that after her performance she will be back soon.
“Gautam, Please take a very good care of yourself and Rini. I will be back soon sweetie…..very soon.”Julie spoke politely
Gautam did not want to leave his lady’s hands, gave a stagnant look.
“Honey, I need you till my last breath. Please never leave me alone. You are the only reason to live.” Gautam whispered. He always feels weak in the absence of his beloved wife.
“Hey my dear husband I am not the only lady in your life. The second lady will be waiting for you eagerly, Rini, our angel…don’t you remember?” A mischievous grin spread on Julie’s face. Gautam accompanied her wife.
And Gautam was taken to the operation theater. He waved his hand sadly and so did the Julie.
It has been two whole days but Julie did not appear. Gautam was desperate to see Julie. He questioned so many times with Rini and her Granny but could not get any satisfactory response. Gautam now was able to walk properly.
“Where is my angel, wanted to show her my first proper walk. Let me go to my angel as fast as I can” Gautam was desperately wanted meet Julie.
With the help of Granny and Rini, Gautam reached his paradise, his home. He found his wife taking her last little breath. Gautam was shocked to see Julie in this condition.
He screamed, “Is anybody here will tell me, what’s happening to my angel? Julie!! Please never leave us alone, we can’t live without you. I have to accomplish your dream. Just look at me, I can walk properly and the day is not so far when I can chase you at sea shore. We will play outdoor games with our angel, together.” He burst into tears.
Julie had been suffering with Cancer which she hid from her husband and collected money for him by singing.
“I would not let you go, my angel.”Gautam murmured
Julie said, “I am sorry Gautam but please always take care of the second lady, our angel, Rini, of your life.”
Julie left them crying forever.
After having shower Gautam called Rini for the dinner but she did not appear. He peeped into the room and found that Rini was sleeping. Without disturbing Rini, Gautam had his dinner and went to the bed.
Since he was exhausted of whole day’s hard work, went to sleep soon.
He was breathless, holding a paper, which he got from the desk of Rini. and her lifeless body was lying on the bed.
Read that once, twice and on and on and on. Now neither his heart nor eyes were co- operating him to read that once more. With this he lost his hope of life. Ah! What a blunder and silly mistake ruined him absolutely. Suddenly he started shivering. His whole body was drenched with sweat. He got up and checked, if it was a dream or what?
Without losing a minute he ran towards her angel, Rini. Fini was fluttering her wings in restlessness and Rini was lying on the bed unconsciously.
Gautam was not ready to lose her second lady from his life. He was afraid to check Rini, suspiciously he touched her forehead and took a sigh of relief that she was fine. She got up and stared at her father.
Gautam hugged her tightly and started crying badly.
Gautam sobbed, “never leave me alone Rini and forgive me for my rude behavior all these days. I am always with you my baby. Go ahead and fulfill your dream. Fly high in the sky and make me a proud Dad. Become a great singer just like your Mom, baby.”
Rini wiped tears from her Dad’s eyes and laid down in his lap and slept peacefully. Now she got her beloved Dad back.
On the very next day Gautam asked Rini that if she want to free the bird, she can. Rini did the same and watched Fini to fly high in the sky for long.
Rini thought,’ One day I will also fly high, when my dreams come true.’
But at the time of dinner they were again three members family. Fini came back to its lovely family. It was sitting on the window sill. After all Fini can’t leave them again.
When our kids are at their teens, we need to be very polite. We need to tell them the pros and cons of everything of life. At this period they are very sensitive. If we give them unconditional love and support and try to understand their expectations then only they will share each and every thoughts and feelings with us. Love is a divine feeling it needs to be expressed. We have a general idea that they are our kids, so It is but obvious that we do love them intensely. It’s my humble request to all my readers, to be cautious. Your immense love and support may give your child the courage to face all the hardships of coming life. The cases of suicide after not achieving the targets may reduce. The role of parents is very vital to make their child’s personality and future as well.