This story is selected as Editor’s Choice and won INR 500

Love Story – Been there done that
Photo credit: dantada from
It had been a long and tiring day for all three of them, even after Shruti’s whining attempts to skip it and sleep instead, they all cleaned the basement together. Many things that were somehow lost were discovered kept somewhere in the basement. Shreya’s old doll, which she thought she had lost when she was 8 years old, was stacked with some toys and kept in a brown box behind the old table.
“I cried so much that day when I couldn’t find it, do you remember ma?” Shreya hugged that little doll while Shruti sat on the table putting everything out of the box on the table.
“How can I forget, you went on and on about how I must have left it in the old home” Mrs Dixit commented as she continued cleaning the book shelf in the right. Few old books and showpieces were kept on it. She kept dusting it when she found an old favorite book of hers which brought a smile on her face.
“Ah! Look here is another box, it must have been left behind during the unpacking like that one” Shreya said as she kept another carton on the table.
“Show me show me” Shruti squealed in excitement that now there would be something for her in this box. So far the only thing of her that had been found in the basement was a pink sock.
Mrs Dixit looked inside the box and instantly found herself smiling to see some old photo albums kept in it. It had been so long that she had seen these albums that she almost forgot about them.
“Ok girls let’s take this box in the garden and I’ll show you what’s in it.” She said and with that they all left the basement.
Shruti moved her chair near to ma’s chair just so she could peek inside the box, Shreya did the same, making Mrs Dixit chuckle. She took an album out and started showing the girls photos of when she was their age. Lots of questions were coming from both her sides about who is this who is that, what were you doing and what not. Mum was answering to all their questions and somehow every other answer was ending with “just like you used to do”. After three albums it was going to get dark, and girls were tired.
“We are going inside would you come with us ma?” Shruti asked her mother as she and Shreya stood up to leave.
“You both go inside I’ll be there in a while” Mrs. Dixit replied with a smile on her face.
It’s been a while that they all had sat out in the garden just feeing the tranquility of it. They had decided on buying this particular house just because it had a beautiful garden overlooking a small meadow. Mrs. Dixit had always loved to just come and sit here for hours, which doesn’t quite happens that often due to her busy schedule. With Shreya in 9th and Shruti in 6th standard, she really thought that there would be less running around the house, but then again she remembers her mother dreaming of the same day which never really comes. And with recent events, it was more like a relief for Mrs. Dixit, having spent time with the girls, if not much, did seem like a step forward to ease away the tension that had been going on ever since she had seen Shreya in the café that evening.
After buying the grocery Mrs. Dixit thought to buy cherry cake for Shruti. She entered the café and looked through the fresh baked cakes before ordering the one with cherries. She had just made her order and specified she wanted it parceled, when she thought she saw someone. She went forward with a smile, as she took a few steps that smile faded in a mark of worry. She silently took the cake and left the café unnoticed thinking she would deal with it later. After dinner later that day, Shreya came in the kitchen to have some water.
“How was your day?” Mrs. Dixit asked
“It was good” Shreya replied as she drank the water.
“What all you did?”
“Went out to movie then went to a café”
“That sounds fun, who all went?”
“Everyone, Neha, Shilpa and all others were there.”
“And? Anyone else?”
“Nope” Shreya casually replied and turned to leave.
“Did you like the cherry cake?” Mrs. Dixit asked while she kept the left overs in the fridge.
Shreya realized just where all these questions were coming from. A sudden sense of panic crawled through her nerves. Mother was there, she knew it. What to do now, what to say now? She should have come clean with her but now what? She has already lied and the worst thing that Ma knows she has lied. All these thoughts were making the insides of her stomach have a quarrel. She has to say something, what was the question again?
“Yeah… it was good… like always” She managed to say with a realization that mum knows it. Mrs. Dixit just gave her a smile and continued with her work. It wasn’t a serious thing, going out with a boy like that, she understands it, but why did she lie about it. Should she openly ask about it or just let it go?
Since then Shreya has been avoiding talking to her mother. Fear of her openly asking about who that boy is or why did she lie, she was mentally preparing for what all she can say if, and it would, such a situation comes. Thinking of lies that may convince her mother, she chose to just avoid any interaction with her for while in a hope that not talking would mean not getting caught.
As Mrs. Dixit kept the albums back in the box she found a small wooden box kept under one of the albums, she took it out and opened it. A dried rose flower, an old handkerchief which has gone a little yellowish with time, a chocolate wrapper kept gently folded twice and few letters were inside the box. It was a frenzy of emotions not really explicable that opened along with the glass lid of that box. She gently picked up the dried rose feeling its age with her fingers. The fragrance was still there, just like the memories that were still intact in it, as if an invitation to leap in that world all over again. From the bottom of the box, letters dating back to 1992 called out to her, and she without hesitation could feel herself 16 again.
“You just won’t get it, you never get it anyway” Paridhi almost screamed on amma and stormed out the door.
“What is it this time?” asked Mr. Sharma as he came out of the bedroom.
“As usual! your daughter wants to learn driving now” Mrs. Sharma told.
“Maybe we should let her do what she wants; I mean what’s the harm in it right?”
“Like father like daughter. It’s driving today; tomorrow she would ask for her own ambassador and then what? Going out with friends at night?” Mrs. Sharma kept on going as she kept the pillows of the couch on place. Mr. Sharma just listened to her.
Next day in the school Paridhi was all dull and sad.
“Are you ok?” Ram asked her.
“I am… they said no” She told him.
“It’s ok, don’t be sad about it.”
“Why do they never understand?”
“They do, and they decide what’s best for you.”
“You always say this only.”
After the classes were over, Paridhi was walking back to home when Ram joined her.
“What took you so long?” she asked him
“Came all hiding from friends” He replied
They silently walked together, turn after turn, occasionally he would kick a pebble and occasionally they would talk a little, not about anything in particular though, yet just walking with each other, which had become more of a routine, meant a lot to both of them They had been walking back home together since 4 years, without invitation without any purpose. They would share just about everything, about classes, about exam, about family and about future. At times when he tells her what his dreams are, and he uses the word we, she feels her cheeks going pink with a blush, that feeling of we, which he says without even noticing, is quite inexplicable.
“You tell. What is your dream?” He asked her as they walked.
“You know all my dreams” She replied with a smile.
“I do, but tell a dream which I can make come true now”
“Well… there is one thing that I would love to see coming true someday”
“Tell me”
“I would love to watch stars at night with…” She stopped midway not knowing exactly how to say it.
“With?” He knew exactly with who she’d want to look at stars. He went as far as imagining that moment with her, holding her soft hand, sometimes looking at the twinkling stars and sometimes at her sparkling eyes, what a moment it would be, he imagined it all, in that instant. She just smiled with her eyes on the ground, as if in an attempt to hide herself, from him, from what she just said without actually saying it.
“Today it is! We will watch stars today only” In his excitement he declared.
“You have gone mad! It’s impossible, that’s why it is a dream.”
“What do you mean? Why you say like this?” his excitement gone and his expression serious yet cute like that of a little kid.
“What do you mean why I say like this? When do stars come? At night! Night! Does that ring a bell?” She said teasing him slightly.
“You won’t be able to come out at night.” He said realizing the complexity of the dream and just how he had dreamt it all in a moment even when it might never be true. The happiness that was so evident in his eyes, just dimmed like a dying light of a candle, she could see it, and she could feel that disappointment. She felt guilty of that feeling, of how bad he is feeling. She decided she would try to make it happen. His sadness, does not just belongs to him anymore, it somehow reflects on her. He could see that disappointment in her eyes, and at that moment he knew that he would do just everything to make it happen. They didn’t say much after that but consoled each other with their rhythmic steps, which in an abstract way showed how together they are at that moment.
“Ma… If I’d ask for something would you give?” Paridhi gathered all her courage and asked her dad wasn’t around.
“Pari, beta I really don’t think driving is…”
“Ma… it’s not about that…”
“I… there is a… there is a test in a few days… in school” She started saying what she had rehearsed few times in front of the mirror. Though she had thought through it, she didn’t like herself lying to her mother like that; she could feel that heaviness in her heart already. Mr. Sharma kept on cutting the potatoes while she went on.
“And… and every one is planning on… on studying together.” There. She said it, not that it felt any easier now but at least it is out.
“Ok. Study together” Her mother said still focusing on the vegetables. OK, she almost felt happy on hearing that ok but she knew that that ok was for studying together with friends and far from ok to study with friends at night. More courage needed to add that tinsy winsy detail.
“At night”
“Night?” Paridhi just nodded nervously. In her heart she was praying that her mother says a yes. Even though the possibility of that was very low, it was important for her. It was killing her to tell such a big lie, and she wouldn’t have lied like this, had she had not known Ram. She trusts him more than himself. She wanted to tell the truth, she wants to fulfill a little dream with permission of her parents but how? No one would ever understand. She doesn’t blame them for it, after all they don’t know him the way she does. For her parents he is just a stranger guy, but to her he is more, much more.
“NO” her mother simply said a no. A heart breaking no.
“No but Pari… Its final no discussions are required about it.” She said and took the vegetables while going in the kitchen.
“Everyone else is going Maa” Paridhi followed her.
“Ok fine, call them all here. Study together here only for as long as you want” Hearing these words Paridhi felt a jolt of panic building inside. She didn’t thought about this angel. She had all the answers ready but what now? She quickly has to make something before she loses the only chance she has.
“That’s not possible… Our house is far from everyone else’s. No one would come.” She replied
“Look whatever it is… either call your friends here or study alone. And that’s final”
“Why do you have to say no for everything” Paridhi almost pleaded as tears made their way out. She went to her room and slammed the door close. She just wanted to make him happy, wanted to live one dream with him, was that too much? Why can’t she decide for herself what she wants to do, why does she need permission. She felt defeated at one thing she wanted to be able to do. She sat and cried there for as long as she could before finally drifting away in sleep.
Ram was feeling helpless. One dream his Pari has told him and he can’t think of one way to make it come true. There has to be a way. Her parents would never allow her out at night, then what to do? He has to make her smile; he has to make her see what she means to him. He has to think of something.
School was off for Saturday and Sunday. Pari was feeling terrible for not being able to meet Ram, she wanted to talk to him so much wanted to tell him how her parents once again said no to what she had asked for. She almost felt guilty again for thinking this way about her parents, though they don’t understand she loves them and they love her, if only they could bend the rules sometimes she could be so happy.
Ram finally had an idea. It wouldn’t be the same, he knew, the feeling would not be that surreal he knew, yet it was better than nothing. It is the only possible way, now if just Pari says a yes which he knows she would. On Monday, during all the classes Ram was restless, he kept looking in the direction Paridhi was sitting. He couldn’t wait but he had to wait, till the end of school.
“I want to talk to you about something” He said as he came running to her. Pari was only a few steps away from the school gate.
“Me too…” She replied with a sad expression.
“What happened?” He asked with concern.
“I wanted… to see stars with you today, I asked for permission to be out till dark but…” She explained
Ram felt a very different feeling, watching her sad made his heart sink a bit yet there was immense joy in it somewhere. I wanted to see stars with you today. And she tried to take permission. At that moment it took all his strength to hold himself from embracing her, just holding her and kissing her forehead. He just smiled looking at her face.
“Would you come out with me?” He asked as he gave her a rose. She blushed as she took the rose unable to answer for a few seconds.
“To where?” she finally said.
“You will know, just say a yes. Please, trust me, I’ll have you back in 2 hours”
“You trust me?”
“I do”
“Then say a yes”
“Ok…” He was so happy hearing this; he asked her to wait for a second and ran back inside the school. He came back on his cycle.
“You came to school on cycle today? But why?” Paridhi asked.
“Because we can’t walk till there”
“Till where? tell me something”
“You will know in some time”
They walked a little till they could no longer be seen from the school, once the road came he asked her to sit on the cycle with him. She hesitated and blushed but in the end he convinced her to sit with him. He kept on peddling as she talked about her parents. Complaining about how they say no for everything. Ram would listen to everything every time and in the end he would always say, parents would decide what’s right for her.
During all her talks she didn’t even realize when they reached the premises of a building.
“Where are we Ram?”
“We are in a Planetarium” He told her.
Before she could ask any more questions to asked her to come along as he bought two tickets and led to a hall where few people were sitting. Paridhi was confused she was asking what is going on again and again but Ram was not telling her. Once they sat in their seat, after few minutes the light went off and it became pitch black. Fear strike Paridhi, what was happening she didn’t know, she was just too scared to even say a word. Ram gently held her and hand.
“Don’t worry, I am here only” He assured her. And with that a sudden dim light emerged out of the darkness. Puzzled Pari looked towards Ram, still trying to figure it out when slowly one after the other little stars started to appear out of nowhere. In a few seconds the entire hall was filled with star light. At that moment she understood what it was, it was her dream. She looked at Ram again, the joy the feeling, there were no words needed, he knew her feelings, in her eyes, and he could see all the love she had for him.
“I know it’s not exactly like your dream, it’s a planetarium, but…” He said while holding her hand as softly as possible.
“It is even better than my dream Ram…” She looked at those stars once and then looked at him again.
“I have you and I won’t have to lie about this at home… what could be a better way for a dream to come true.” She said. And with those words they both didn’t felt need for any more words. She was seeing stars with him, without having to carry the wait of a lie; she was the happiest girl ever. For him it was all he wanted.
Shruti was intently watching something on pogo when her father came back from office. He sat on the couch with his little girl.
“How was your day pumpkin” He asked.
“it was soooo much fun! We cleaned the basement and we found these boxes and we sat in the garden and then maa showed us these old photo albums and then I saw duck tales and…” She could go just on and on.
“ok ok I get it you had a great day!!” He said as he looked around the house.
“Where is everyone else?” He inquired.
“Maa is still in garden and di is in her room”
“ooH…. Still not talking to each other?”
“Nope today they talked!” She said in a funny tone.
“That’s good! Now you watch your pogo while ill go and check on Mum ok sweetie?”
“Okie dokie.”
He came out in the garden, standing beside Paridhi. She didn’t even realize he was there, she was too busy in her memories to notice, but he noticed a dried rose in her hand. He knew exactly what she was thinking.
“Looking at stars without me wife?” He said, bringing a smile on her face as she turned to face him. He came and sat next to her. She hugged his arm and leaned on his shoulder as they both looked at the star studded night sky.
“What were you thinking about?” He asked.
“About how I used to lie to my mother for you.” She said smiling and he could hear a little blush in her voice.
“So you see, Shreya is just like you.”
“I see it now”
“Would you talk to her?”
“I don’t have a choice do I? If I didn’t she might always hide from me.” She chuckled as she said this. Somehow she had a whole new perspective about the situation now. Remembering her own teenage years have somehow made her understand that her daughters are like her only.
“I told you to try to understand.” He said teasing her.
“Back then you were on my mother’s side and now you or on my daughters side! Gosh Mr. Dixit take my side also sometimes!” She said punching his arm as they both cuddled, shimmering in the starlight.
Next morning Mrs. Dixit went in Shreya’s room with two cups of coffee. They both sat with that glass box which she brought and kept in the center. She began to tell her the story of the day at planetarium.
“So that’s how I and your dad made our dream come true.” She finally ended. At the beginning Shreya didn’t know why she was being told all of this, later it got her curious to know what happened next, if grandma found out did she scold her? And as her mother approached the end, she knew what the story actually meant. They had both finished their coffee so Mrs. Dixit stood up to leave the room. She held the door knob and opened the door.
“Maa…” Shreya called from behind, suddenly feeling comfortable and confident enough. Mrs. Dixit couldn’t stop herself from smiling, but she composed her expression to neutral and turned to face her daughter.
“Yes sweetie?”
“Can I tell you something?”
“You can tell me everything beta.” She told her. And with that she let go of the knob and the door closed as they again sat on the bed, only this time Shreya told the story.