Short Story with Moral Lesson – The Fascination
Photo credit: Alvimann from morguefile.com
Noooooo…. cried little meg, as she clenched her tiny fist, she kept demanding her mother to buy her the basket of chocolates.
i want it mother, i want it! please!!!!!
“no meg dear, u already have chocolates back home, u don’t understand the value of money, you keep demanding things, “, said the mother in a toned voice.
“oh! now u don’t make that grumpy face! c’mon lets go home”.
But the stubborn child was adamant, her tiny nose and plump cheeks turned pink with anger. tears were flowing like calm water falls, this made the mother give up her efforts to maker her daughter understand and bought the basket of chocolates.
“you are so stubborn, its not good to have fascination for those things that you have no use to, your stubborn behaviour will make you fall in big trouble girl”.
but meg was busy licking and gulping her chocolates, she turned a deaf ear to the talks of her mother..
The sounds of rainfall got heavy, as thunders played their drums and joined the cold winds to play along.
Meg day dreaming thoughts broke as the showers of rain fell on her. She broke into silent tears, it had been 19 years… her mothers words were ringing like the sounds of bell, Meg saw herself as she stood opposite the dark glass doors of a chocolate shop, dressed in rags, a hungry, tired and lonely girl longing for happiness.
She was again lost in thoughts as she scornfully looked herself, she remembered her mother who was dead, thinking of her mother she cried ” mother, you were right…. you were right! my fascination for demanding costly things did make me fall into big trouble, i have nowhere to go to, no money, no house, am all alone, oh mother i wish you were here…Meg sobbed in silence, but the rain covered her tears, she walked away from the shop and continued walking in the cold rain as she begged for alms…….
its true we like to think only about ourselves, sometimes we never understand what greed can result into……, hence we should always be happy in what we have…… right?