This is short story about The ink god and Hexy. Now Hexy is a old abandoned pizzeria that hasn’t been visited for almost 20 years and the Ink god is a god that has been forgotten for 20 years as well. This story takes place in 2010/10/June when a 24 year old with the name Liam finishes collage and he decides he wanna go do something for fun.
The characters are Liam, Dave, Ink god, Hex and more
Now let the story begin!
2010/10/June 3:34 pm
Liam is walking home from collage when he decided to take a shortcut, so he started walking down the old abandoned street and as soon he got to the middle of the street he noticed a place called Hexy that seemed abandoned. He thought to himself “Maybe I should explore that place, I mean I have noting better to do anyways.” so he started walking to Hexy, as soon he arrived at the entrance he felt his phone buzzing in his pocket. He reaches and takes his phone out his of his pocket. Liam would then unlock his phone, message from Dave.
Dave:”Hey man, what you up to?”
Liam:”Exploring a abandoned place called Hexy, wanna join?”
Dave:”Of course, will be there in a second!”
4 minutes later…
Dave would then arrive in his truck he got for his 20st birthday. Dave parked his truck in Hexy’s parking lot, he turned the truck off and got out of it. Dave would look at the entrance and saw Liam so he started running towards him. Dave would then say when he arrived at Liam “Thanks for sending your location it made finding this place easier!”
Liam would respond “No problem man!” Liam would then look at the entrance door and tried to kick it open, he failed horribly and he said in pain “Oh my foot!”
Dave laughed and kicked the door easily open and you might be wondering how, well he did train to get into the police force. Liam would smirk and say “Show-off.” Dave laughed and walked into Hexy.
To be continued