[A Nest of Shattered Dreams…!!! Story of Friends]

A Nest of Shattered Dreams…!!! Story of Friends
Photo credit: hotblack from morguefile.com
3:00 A.M., 26th July, 2011, Ahmedabad.
Ahmedabad, one of the most happening cities of the State of Gujaratis in deep sleep. A mild drizzle is going on, aroma of wet sand is spreading across the city. Most of the streets are currently ruled by the barking dogs. A few stars are tweeting around every now and then from the cloud cover over the dark black sky while the moon is on the day off. Noise of bunch of workers working on the bank of river Sabarmati for the ambitious River Front Project of the ambitious C.M. of the state can be heard even from distance. Somewhere on the flat situated in SwarajToweron the 132ft Ring Road, Mrs. Ritika Shah switched on the light of bedroom.
“Nitin, you small brother of Mr.Kumbhkarna wake up. Your friend’s flight is gonna land at 4:00, it’s already 3:05.” Ritika Said tying her hair with dark brown hair ribbon.
“If my brother will get to know, ke you are calling him Ravan there will surely be Mahabharat at our place.” Nitin said without even coming out of the bed.
Soon after both of us were in the Maruti Alto, driving towards the International Airport located at Shahibaug area to pick Kushal Sheth who was coming back to the city almost after five to six years.
“At least tell me whom are we going to pick up?” Ritika said playing with water drops she gathered in her palm.
“Kushal Sheth.”
“Kushal..? That one..??” All of sudden she lost her interest in the water drops.
“Yehhh…!!” Nitin said taking eyes of her.
There was identical silence in the car matching the same with that on the empty streets. Ritika once again got busy gathering the rain drops in her palm. All of a sudden a question stroked her mind. She threw the water drops she gathered and turned towards the driving seat.
“Nitin, You still haven’t told me the full story of what actually happened.” She said
“Have you seen Dil Chahta Hai..??”
“Imagine it with the worst possible end, that’s what actually happened.” He said overtaking a sole cyclist on the road.
“Can you please elaborate?” A mild request came from the other side.
“Let’s first reach the airport; it can be discussed later too.” Even milder was the reply.
As we reached the airport, an announcement was waiting for us. “Due to bad weather Flight no. AI102, New Jerseyto Ahmedabad is delayed by one and half hour and scheduled to arrive at 5:30 A.M.”
“So we have one and half hour at the airport, must be sufficient enough for you to reveal what actually happened.” Ritika said looking at the announcement on the digital screen outside the Terminal No.2
“It will be fun with a cup of hot coffee.” He said pointing at the coffee shop.
After a while Nitin was there with the steam coming out of two paper cups full of coffee.
“We can start now.” He said passing a cup of coffee to Ritika.
“I am listening.”
“First of all, I would like to introduce three main characters of the story.”
“1. Kushal Sheth: An over ambitious guy from Surendranagar. He was a stud. He liked those low waist denims, Short shirts with first button unbuttoned, Reebok Shoes, Rayban sunglasses. He never accepted that he speaks in typical kathiyawadi accent, but as soon as he starts speaking you can guess he is from the saurashstra. He had one big weakness, girls. He loved his hair from the days I knew him, but they betrayed him towards the sunset of our college life.
2. Shubhang Mehta: About a 6ft tall, fair skin & almost about a perfect physique. A Nagar actually I should say a typical Nagar boy who always spoke clean Gujarati. He loved using Gujarati quotes & proverbs while speaking. We used to make fun of him for the over prominence he used to put on ‘SH’ word. He never cared about the world, was always jumping and pumping around in his own world. The best feature in him was his eyes. I still remember them, always full of joy with tinge of green shade matching with his hair color. People used to tell him ‘Bhuriyo’, which he never liked.
3. Nitin Shah: A bit of introvert, shy guy but never less full of joy. Always ready for the fun stuff and I don’t think you need much more introduction of him. You know him more than I do.”
He finished the introductory round as Ritika gave him a typical Indian Wife smile full of love, care and warmth which she reserves only for her husband. He also replied with a nice smile adjusting his specs. After taking a while, he started to tell what actually happened.
Actually I knew Shubhang since we were in 8th standard. We were together in the tuitions at his uncle’s place. So in short I can say we were somewhat near to, Chaddi buddies. First time we were introduced to Kushal, was in 11th standard. We all three were in same class. Very shortly we became friends. Kushal also joined in the tuitions at Shubh’s uncle’s place. Tree of our friendship was growing at nice pace. All three of us shared different personalities, but that is what friendship is all about unity in diversity. All three of us passed with flying colors in the all important 12th examinations and got the admission at H.L.College of Commerce, a college affiliated with A+ grade by NAAC. And with that a journey began, a journey full of fun. Kushal used to stay at Room No.19 of the Kasturchand Juthabhai Hostel, opposite Navrangpura bus station. Now we were college going dudes and not the school going kids. We had bike, mobile phones, freedom to enjoy our days. One day we were sitting at Kushal’s room. Kushal was busy chatting with someone on his cell while I & Shubhang were getting irk.
“Kiske sath laga hai, Kinjal?” Shubhang asked taking a puff of milds he held in his hand for a while.
“How do you know?” Kushal was surprised.
“It was just a conjecture.” Shubhang said passing cigarette to me.
“You are good at guessing.” Kushal said snatching it in between.
“Anybody can guess it, the way you both are behaving in college.” I said.
“Arey nothing, it’s just a time pass.” He said carelessly.
“We have a few better means just for passing time rather than playing with someone’s emotions.” Shubhang never liked this stuff.
“Will you please mind your own business?” Kushal ended the issue on an egoistic note.
It was just a small issue which happens with almost every group but I never knew this was just the trailer of the upcoming movie. Kushal never took all this stuff seriously. It was only about one thing for him; he never cared about feelings & emotions of the person with whom he was getting along. He was getting more and more in to this with the days passing. Within very short span of a time many names were added to his list of girlfriends. He gained expertise in convincing girls about how much he liked them. We took all that for granted. In the beginning Shubhang used to advise him regarding not to do all these stuff. But after getting insulted twice or thrice even he stopped advising him.
It was the first day of our second year. Kushal was still enjoying vacation at his native. I and Shubhang were going towards water room as we heard the bell for the first lecture ring. As we were going a girl from somewhere came running and in hurry she met with an accident with Shubhang. She looked very young, I was thinking actually is she a college student but threw it straight away looking at her books. I presumed she was in her best possible outfit, being the first day of the college. She was wearing nice maroon & green colored bandhani salwar kameez. As she bent to pick her books shattered on the floor, her long ear rings rang as if it was a college bell. She was perspiring a lot, looked like she ran for the first time in her life.
“Hello, can you please tell me where is F.Y.-III.” She finally broke the silence as we both kept on staring at her.
“Fresher?” Shubhang asked her.
She just managed a disgusted look at him on this question as if he was attempting the ragging on her.
“Don’t worry, I am not ragging you, just evi hi pucha tha. Go left; F.Y.-III is the second class over there.” Shubhang said with a smile on his face.
“Thanks. I am Kirati, Kirati Buch.” She said rushing towards her class.
“Hi, am Shubhang.”
There was still smile on his face. Now my focus was on Shubhang’s face rather than on that girls face. I didn’t get why but smile was not taking leave from his face. His eyes followed her almost till she got in the class room. I thought that was the case of crush at first site. Today I wish it would have been much better if that accident would not have happened. That accident became the root cause for the bigger one in near future. Normally Shubhang was never involved in all these girls and all that matters. He always stayed out of all that but with the days passing I felt He was bit interested in this girl, Kirati. They became friends then good friends and then very good friends in very short span of a time. It was the friendship day; Shubhang was waiting for Kirati to wish her. She came bit late that day. She was wearing nice white colored salwar kameez, with small danglers dangling around at the end of her dupatta. She looked stunning in this apparel.
“Happy Friendship Day.” Shubhang said shaking her hand.
“Same to you.” She smiled.
“Looking good, something special?”
“Actually I wanted to say to you something.”
“Go on.” He said smiling from inside.
“I like someone.”
“Who’s the unlucky one?” He asked in artificial manner.
“Tu bi yaar color he… The lucky one is Kushal. He messaged me yesterday that he also likes me. We have been chatting for a while now. I think he is a nice guy.” She said taking her eyes of him.
“Kushal Sheth, S.Y.-II..?” He was totally surprised.
“Yes, your friend duffer…!!”
That was totally a bombshell for him. He never liked all this love games Kushal played. Upto this time it was tolerable for him but now it wasn’t the case. It was about someone whom he liked. He was hanging in between a friendship & a crush. He actually didn’t knew what to do exactly. In all the confusion he did something which became the reason for the war. He disclosed all the fact to the Kirati about the Kushal. What he was all about, his weaknesses for the girls, his habit of playing with the emotions and many more things which he should not have in my opinion at that time. Certainly after knowing all this from Shubhang, Kirati went to Kushal and they had a big fight. I still remember that night. It was raining heavily; there was traffic jam on the streets of the Ahmedabad when I received a call from Kushal.
“Reach at my room as early as possible.” Kushal ordered
“Oyyee..Look at the atmosphere outside, it’s raining heavily.” I said taking my face out of the room window.
“It’s urgent, so reach as soon as possible. To the hell with everything else.” He said hanging up the call.
When I reached at his room, Shubhang was already there. Kushal was sitting at the bed on the right hand side corner while Shubh was standing near a window. Both of them had a perplexed looks on their faces.
“What happened?” I asked as I entered the room.
“Ask this A** hole.” Kushal cannoned out his anger at a first go.
“Wass the issue Shubh?” I transferred my focus towards Shubhang.
He chose to remain silent and kept on staring the rain drops hitting the turf. Kushal was also looking at him fretfully so as to find what answer he gives.
“Will someone tell me what the hell is going on here?” I finally got aggravated.
“How will he say from his f**king mouth, what he has done? I’ll tell you.” Kushal was enraged.
“Can we go to the point directly?” I simply asked.
“Okeyyy, so the point is for the sake of a b**ch, this guy forgot the friendship.” He said pointing towards Shubhang.
“Who the hell has given you the right to give someone a tag of a b**ch? Look at yourself; you are no less than a male prostitute.” I heard the Shubhang for the first time after entering the room and boy he was in some mood to fight.
“Look now, that b**ch is sati savitri and I am a male prostitute. Good Shubh nice progress.”
“You are playing with emotions, don’t do it Kushal. “ Shubhang said in requesting tone.
“If you want to succeed in your life, kill your emotions.” Kushal said conceitedly.
“You are just faking emotions for the sake of orgasm, but you will realize the value of them one day.” Shubhang was getting more and more sentimental.
“Oyeeee sant mahatma….Keep all your ideologies with you only and mind your own bloody business.”
“I am warning you the same thing, mind your business or it will go bankrupt one day.”
“One minute…one minute guys. First of all for god’s sake stop arguing.” I tried stopping the bull fight for a while and to my surprise both went mute.
“Shubh, atleast tell me the truth what happened.” I stood up asking to Shubhang.
“So you also think I am wrong, right?” Now I was clearly able to see the disappointment on his face.
“It’s not about who is right and who is not, Shubh. I just wanna know the fact about what happened and why.” I said reaching besides where Shubhang stood.
“Okeey so you wanna know what happened, good I told Kirati everything about what this bloody f**ker all about. He wanted to play all those lover games with her also.” He was going at the pace of Malcom Marshall delivery.
“And why?”
“Because I Love her dammmnnnnn it….!!” His voice was not coming out of his throat, he was totally chocked and I felt he might cry at any moment, but he handled himself well.
“Wow, all of sudden now Mr. Shubhang Mehta is converted into a lover boy, f**k off Shubh. Nothing like Love exists. If something exists then it is need.” Kushal was in no mood to come at cease fire situation nor was Shubhang.
“Right now you don’t know what are you doing, you will realize it one day but at that time no one will be around you except your guilt.”
In the exasperation He left the room. That was the last moment we three spent together. After He left both I & Kushal were also in no mood to talk. Kushal silently lit his cigarette and started taking his anger out with each lot of smoke.
“Kushal, I think….” Kushal stopped me before I could finish with his hand like a traffic police stops the guy who broke the signal.
“If you are gonna talk about that bloody a** hole Shubh, please don’t. I don’t wanna listen even his name.” I thought currently it was just better to puff out all the frustration with the smoke rather than arguing with Kushal. Next day I went to meet Shubhang so as to know how he was after all that happened.
“How are you ,Shubh?” I asked as Shubhang was staring at two parrots playing around his terrace.
“Not so bad.” He continued to observe those parrots.
“Bhul ja kal jo hua use.. We can start it back from a scratch…!!” I said.
“I don’t have any problem but I am sure Kushal will have.” I thought he was correct.
“I also went to his room this morning.”
“What did he say?”
“Bakwas kar raha tha wohi…Don’t wanna see your face and He doesn’t need anyone. It’s better to have enemies then such friends and all that.”
“I told you. It’s better to leave the situation as it is now. Let time prove who was right and who was not. Chal chay pite hai….!!” He said signaling to move downstairs.
I was still holding the cup of coffee in my hand even though it was empty. Finally after a few minutes Ritika snatched it from my hands.
“It’s better off in the dustbin.” She said.
“Hmmmmmm..” I was lost in my thoughts.
“Everything will be alright.” She said holding my shoulder so as to feel me comfortable.
“How can it be alright now? Don’t you know everything?” I took a pause.
“Happy ending on each occasion is only possible in movies. In reality we have to accept whatever the end is and that is the naked reality of this life.” I gave the final verdict.
“Calm down, look at the announcement, I think his flight has arrived.” Ritika said pointing at the announcement screen.
Within a while passengers started coming out with their luggage trolleys, Kushal was amongst them. I saw him after five six years. There was not much difference in his appearance except that he used to be much healthier than what he looked right now.
“Hey Nitin, you have changed very much. You used to be size zero now you are size C.” He said tightly hugging me.
“But you haven’t changed a bit. Haan only change is you had a few hair left while you left but seems even they have left you.” I replied.
“Yehhh and those white donkeys consider it as a cool hair style.” He said in his original tone.
“By the way, this is Ritika, my wife.” I said introducing her to Kushal.
“Hello bhabhi, I am Kushal.” He said in very un-Kushal soft tone.
“I know you, Nitin has said a lot about you.” Ritika also reverted in similar style.
“Good. Aur bata kya chal raha hai?” He said looking towards me.
“Nothing new, all well. Life hai chal rahi hai.” I quoted the old quote Shubhang used to use a lot.
“Quote sounds familiar. By the way how is Shubh?” Kushal asked taking his eyes off me.
“Shubh? From which direction sun has arisen today?” I said in taunting mode.
“It’s early morning, so it is yet to arise. I wanna say something to you but let’s reach the home first.” He said lifting his bag from the luggage trolley.
Within a few minutes we were back on the streets of the Ahmedabad. It was about 5:45 in the morning. The city was trying to wake up throwing all its laziness away. The sky was looking lavishing colored with mild orange sun rays announcing the arrival of sun in a while. Throughout our journey from Airport to the Swaraj Tower Kushal was busy observing the changes occurred in the city during his stay atUSA.
“Bhabhi, I would love to start my India tour with nice cup of a masala tea.” Kushal said entering the house.
“So Kushal you wanted to say something, I am waiting.” I said as Ritika went into kitchen.
“Yes, its like you are lucky to see me alive. If everything might not have gone well you might had to come for my funeral at US.” Kushal started in dangerous manner.
“As you know after that incident with Shubh, I reduced my contacts with many persons. I started feeling I don’t need any one and I am capable of living my life alone also. After finishing my T.Y. I went to USAto study the MBA (Finance). I also started the part time job over there. There I found few friends who were actually very active in speculating in US Stock markets. In their company I also started it a bit. In my early days, I earned a lot. My life became very much simple. During the market hours I ill be in front of television gambling and after that I ill b found in a Bar situated near by the place I lived. But then came the day 15th September, 2008, the day on which Lehman Brothers became bankrupt. On that day Dow Jones closed down just over 500 points i.e. around -4.40%. This drop was subsequently exceeded by an even larger -7.00% plunge on 29th September, 2008. Those f**king brothers became bankrupt but they also made me bankrupt. With each day passing I was getting burdened under more and more debt. In the end I found it easier to end this life rather than handling all these financial issues. I attempted the suicide by drinking the pesticides but the destiny wanted something else. Somehow doctors over there managed to save me and they came at conclusion that I needed psychological counseling. So they sent me to an Indian psychologist, Miss. Shrestha Modi for the counseling. She helped me a lot in recuperating. If I am standing in front of you with all the pride today all the credit goes to her. She also asked her dad who had a motel in New Jersey, to give me a job over there. And toady I am the owner of two motels in New Jersey, thanks to her & her dad.” He finished it along with his tea. Ritika stood up to take a glass from him.
“Kushal, these many things happened and you didn’t even inform me.” I said getting a bit upset.
“Kis muh se batata yar. I became so greedy and self centered that I forgot even my best friends, you & Shubh. Himmat hi nahi hui yar call karne ki.!!” This was the first time I saw Kushal confessing his mistake.
“Fir bhi yaar. Ek bar bata ke to dekhta…..”
“It’s ok yaar. After meeting Shrestha I found that what Shubh was saying was absolutely correct. What true love is all about….What emotions are all about I got all the answers. I was wrong, totally wrong.”
“Good that you have realized.” I said.
“Arey kam ki bat to bhul gaya….I am getting married this 5th September with Shrestha and that is the reason why I am here.” Finally some sparkles were lit in his eyes.
“You and marriage, sounds bit irrelevant but congo yaar.” I tried to sound bit excited.
“So now first of all we are going to meet, Shubh. I will apologize to him first. Then we will go to H.L., I have done so many planning.” He was sounding very much animated as I just kept on staring him.
“What the hell are you thinking?” He asked.
“I am thinking how come each and every sentence of Shubh can come true?” I said as Kushal looked at me amazed.
“Do you remember, what he said last that night before leaving the room?” I asked.
“Not exatly.” He wasn’t which sure can be confirmed from his eyes.
“But I do, he said: Right now you don’t know what you are doing, you will realize it one day but at that time no one will be around you except your guilt.” I recited the Shubh’s sentence word to word.
“I am not getting you Nitin.”
“Kushal, you are trying to catch a bird which already has flown away. What is remaining is only a nest of shattered dreams.”
“You are trying to put your legs into Shubh’s shoes now. But this dialoguebazi only suits him dear. Be clear what you wanna say.”
“Okey, then hear it, a year back one flight going from Ahmedabad to Delhi crashed. There were two names in the list of passengers died: Shubhang Mehta & Kirati Mehta. You are late Kushal, very very late.”
I glanced at Ritika who stood up to leave the room for a while and got back to see Kushal’s face. I saw a mixed bag of reactions on the face of Kushal. There were expressions of shock, sadness and above all guilt on his face. He tried to hide his face behind his palms. I decided to leave him alone with his guilt for a while. As I turned to move out of the room, I heard voice of sobbing. I turned to see, Kushal was crying like a small kid.
“He deserves this.” I thought moving out of the room proving Shubhang right once again as no was around Kushal except his tears & guilt.