Moral Short Story – Gandhigiri
Photo credit: jdurham from morguefile.com
Out of many incidents where I witnessed the magical effect of Gandhism, following is one of my narration. It was couple of days before Diwali. We’re busy cleaning home. The mirror of a dressing table in my house got a minor crack at an edge. We decided to use the long mirror into two halves.
I holded the mirror sitting as pillion and my uncle drove the bike. Its really tough to control long object on bike as it makes large air drag. We reached a shop making and selling mirrors, photo frames etc. I don’t remember one word what we use for those shops. Well, cleaning process was on there in the shop too. Tools and products were on the floor and the staffs with owner were busy removing dusts all around. We reached the counter.
A staff asked ‘what’, in signs. My uncle replied: I want this mirror to be bisected into rectangular frames. The owner shouted rudely from an end: go away, the shop is closed for today; can’t you see? One could have reacted in the same pitch that if he do not want to work, he can simply refuse.
But my uncle there used only few following words: “ bhai ji, bade prem se aaye the apke paas”.
I saw a miraculous change in the owner in fraction of a second. He rushed to the counter with a smile and apology on his face, took the mirror and did the job finished on the spot himself. I noticed, the way the man was tired, angry and puzzled with dust, there was no any other weapon which could have got him on the job. And, then he took a towel and cleaned his face. We paid and left but the day got encrypted in my memory. Gandhism works in any era!