Imagination is a disease enjoyed by the stressed, cublicle-d, middle management clone humanoids of mega large corporate companies. They wish for breaks, holidays, parties, me time and everything else that I have in abundance. Then why the hell do my eyes fill up with tears every time I have this idyllic day-which is everyday?
Oh, in my bliss I totally forgot to introduce myself to you… Bad manners I know, but every rarely do I get captive audience, and in my defense, I was introducing you to my intellect,which is just as important. Ok, I can sense your unease -you feel I’m hiding something or being coy- and see your eyes wandering back on TV.
I’ll tell you my name, but it was changed a while a ago. I liked my old name. I’m yet not used to my new one. So if I tell you my old name it will be a lie… and if you call me by my new one I’ll not like you so much. I have an idea, since this meeting is going to be a short one, lets make it memorable by doing things differently. Look into my eyes and I’ll know that you are calling my name, smile at my words and I’ll know that everything is alright.
Your are frowning? You find all this ridiculous? leave you beefed up buffoon! I’m not here to suffer your judgement as well. Oh! now you are sorry! Fine sit. Shut up, don’t talk! You are an idiot, and here I was wasting my manners and intellect on you. I just hope you aren’t as bad on your job. I have paid good money on this! And all the lies and sneaking. Assure me that it is worth it,that you are worth it! Ufff speak up, I m telling you to do so.
You havnt touched me and I already feel dirty. Take no offence, darling. Its not that you are repulsive, you are very handsome, I have to give you that. It is this situation. After college I always thought adventure would be learning new things, going to new places ,being with with new people. I never thought that I’ll learn to haggle hourly rates at 5star hotels and the only new people I’ll meet will be the ones I’ll pay.
I’M exhausted, pour me my drink darling and close the light. Lets make ourselves comfortable on the bed tonight. Tomorrow I dont know… send your friend , I liked him too.