Life seems too boring for a girl who feels neglected by his own parents. She doesn’t like this society or this world full of dominance of men & prefers staying far away from people who only come to show her weakness, let her down just because she is a girl. Being a girl means a life of an alien & in some cases even worst because people fear aliens but not girls. They & their lives doesn’t matter to them. They are just objects meant for marriage & a thing to cry for & dealt only as a burden.
Her life is ruined because of them. They are everywhere. They can do whatever they want irrespective of right or wrong & society will keep quiet but in case of women or girls their mouth is wide open. Even women say ill of other women.
She feels abandoned & she has no one around to make them understand what she feels. Society is so framed that women are only seen as weak housewives,mothers, wives bearing every relationship. She wants freedom to live her own life which is quite impossible for an Indian girl in this wrecked society. But she fights against norms. She closes everybody’s mouth before they can speak. She hate to hear the word marriage for her. She can go to any extent if anyone dares speak ill for her, & speaking about her marriage is speaking ill of her. People see this world through their rose tinted glasses. But reality is different from fiction.
There is no such hero to save you except villains who come to eat you out. She is intelligent & not stupid like other girls who die for becoming a heroine & if any man leaves them. She has only lived her life collecting her ashes when people come & burn her through their deeds. Love is not as interpreted by this society. In the form of love they sell vulgar things, wrong notions, erotic stuff to lead them away from right path which only can be attained if your soul remains connected to God without any burden of wrong deeds with you.
She is not a sage but a person who can differentiate between right or wrong. Life has beaten her many times. Failures have passed by her after success but she remained the same person forever.
People told her that life without a man in this country is impossible but she can choose death but no man in her life. For him a man is like a disease of leprosy. If you are seen with them people will start linking you with them & even forcibly marry you for saving the culture of the society.
She cannot let her life stink because of a man. For which she uses minimum of resources & has killed her desires of going out, shopping, buying pretty clothes & all that which brings men closer to her. She doesn’t know whether she has ruined her life or saved her life from being ruined. People stare at her but she is not afraid of the consequences & knows to give people their answers from her actions saying nothing.
People cannot threaten her or force her for anything. No matter she is right or wrong but she only knows one thing no man can enter her life & people can say whatever they like. For them their body & it’s needs may be the only thing they crave for but for her it’s her heart & soul which she listens to & her heart says only one thing
” Keep away from men they are going to ruin your life. Even their shadow is not good for you.”