Love Story – The Mean Soul
Photo credit: veggiegretz from morguefile.com
• Written by – Sarthak Kumar
• Maps by – Idrees Khan
• Edited by- Not yet edited(still in search of one)
Rich , Calm, Straight forward to his points, Helpful, Optimistic, Pure-hearted ,Working as a animator, Honest.
Beautiful, Junior of Abhijeet in the same firm , Optimistic,Trustworthy ,Works Ethic, Humble ,Honest.
Actor, Kind, Loyal,Fast in actions,Not much dignified .
Beautiful, Singer, Self-centralized.
Kind ,Polite,Civilized.
Being tired of drawing scenes , a thought stroked to Abhijeet and that was to refresh his mood. So, he saved his progress and started to download some new songs to listen and refresh. Instead of selecting one by one he put all the songs in download list in a single go. He listened to some of them and fall asleep within three quarters of an hour.
When he woke up ,he found himself in a great hassle. He remembered that he was assigned to complete the whole task by the next noon. So, he got himself ready as fast as possible for the office, then he completed his remaining of the work within the allotted time period and submitted his work to his boss.
His boss was highly impressed of the work done by Abhijeet and thus, gave him one week leisure.
Abhijeet (in thoughts): “One week vacation is a very short period to wander at any place. Hence , I am going to spend my holidays in exploring this city only.”
He spent the first 4 days riding his bike all over the city. Being tired of all this he thought to remain in his home and spend his remaining 3 days. On the 3rd last day he watched the most rated movies of the same month and read short stories and novelette of the great authors.
On the third last night ,He planned to listen all the song which were download by him five days before. He listened to four songs then the the fifth song was played at random which became his one of the favorites. Name of that song was ‘s-154h-542i-2541p-651r-222a’ as displayed on his phone by a non-popular singer. He listened to it three to four times and remembered all the nodes and words of the first two chorus.
Lying on the bed, he also uttered a few first lines of the song .
He uttered lines and slept after completing the first chorus…
After two days, he woke up and saw the clock showing 12:05 ,30th June. This surprised him a lot, but at that moment he was unconscious also. Because of such a long sleep he had forgotten almost everything about his past. The only thing which he remembered was an accident that took place at a resort on a cliff and a girl died there.
However, within a couple of minutes he forgotten his dream and his memory was recovered.
He neglected everything and got ready for the office. On that day , his boss introduced a new story for the next series of the same anime(animation series) . His fellow worker and he sat together and made a script for the next series. Then they distributed their tasks by themselves. As he was one of the seniors ,he had a lot of pressure .Therefore, he started his part earlier than others.
He was working on his part of the manga at his home ..
“ding-dong “
As he opened the door he was surprised to find an unknown girl there. He welcomed her inside and served snacks,sweets and coffee Then they talked with each other.
Abhijeet: I’m sorry to be rude. But may I know Who are you and what are you doing here?
Shipra: Well, your question is obvious . I’m Shipra . I am working for a studio and I am a singer. Our director is going to shoot some of the scene here and I will be here for next 2 to 3 months. I am wandering here for a flat on rent .I have been darted here by the local house renting agency where you place an advertisement .
Abhijeet: Yes, you are at the right place. I have placed an add there for my 3 of the 4 flats. Which one of them do you want?
Shipra: Show me the flats first and then I will pick out one.
Abhijeet Yeah , Why not.
He showed her all the remaining 3 flats . Each of them were almost the same and had equal facilities .
Then he gave her a over-view map of the floor. (Which has been displayed below.)
Out of the remaining 3 she chose the 2nd (which was in the front of Abhijeet’s flat). He registered her name and other details for the renting that flat.
Listening to the songs at night before sleep become his habit. He never got bore by those songs.
They started spending their free time together by watching movies, cooking, gaming, etc. Then this time period expanded and by the end of the first month they become so close that Abhijeet refused to charge the rent for the flat which was chosen by Shipra .
One day Abhijeet was on his way to home with one of his colleagues His colleague asked him to share the new songs and application which were present in his device(mobile phone).He send the latest 50 songs but the another device received 49 only out of 50. His colleague asked for the 50th again .But, when they resend it ,devices shown a message “File already exist”.But there was no such file received. He was asked to play it by his colleague but no music came out however,the seek bar was running. By this time Abhijeet had reached his home.
On the next day,Abhijeet was reading newspaper. He found that the movie in which her neighbor worked has been released. And, then he found a bad news . Just after completing this article he ran to the Hospital .At the Hospital, he found that his colleague is too close to death. Seeing all this , he get almost broken. He left that place and went to churches, mosques, and temples praying for his friend. After seven days , his prayer or say their luck worked and he get recovered very soon.
Within the very fortnight they joined office together.
While returning to Abhijeet home he bought two tickets of that movie whose review he was reading that morning. He went to meet her on the next morning and requested her to come with him at the New Theater on Sunday 5P.M .For the very first time she refused but later agreed to him .Then they went together to watch that movies.
On the next Monday(which came after that Sunday movie). He get too curious to know why didn’t any song with her voice was played in that movie. So he went to meet and ask her.
Shipra – Yes, Who’s there ?
Abhijeet- Its me your neighbor. I want to have a short conversation with you. Please! dear , open the door.
Shipra -Wait a second, I’m coming.
She opened the door and welcomed him then they sat down and then they started their conversations.
Abhijeet – I am highly curious to ask you one question .
Shipra – What do you want to know now?
Abhijeet – Where was your song in the whole movie. I don’t think that any of the scenes had been missed by both of us.
Shipra – (Takes a long breath) Hmm, It looks like that the time to state the truth has arrived .
Abhijeet – What? I didn’t understand. Please! Elaborate .
Shipra – Well there is a long story behind all this .
Abhijeet – Okay, you may give me summary then.
Shipra – But, a summary would not be enough . I will try to shorten it .
Abhijeet – Okay . Please start it.
Shipra – Are you really ready ?
Abhijeet – I’m always ready for anything. Believe it.
Shipra – Here, it goes.
“I was born in a small town . In my town Girls were not allowed to work . However, this system has been eroded last year. When I was 17 , my parents wished to marry me with a famous Doctor of our locality . He was 5 year older than me and I was not much interested in marriages too . So, I tried to migrate to a big city where I would be lost and none will be able to find me and I will complete my dream there which was to become a renowned singer.” (she took a break and in the mean time )
Abhijeet – Why are you using ‘was’ in your autobiography you are still alive?
Shipra – Just listen to the story It has not been yet completed.
“I tried my voice and luck both at various completions but it didn’t proved to be much useful and I was never selected to the finals. By that time, I was working in a flower shop . Then in one audition Mr. Harsh (a renowned actor was there for his movie’s promotions) and I got a good opportunity to sing in front of him. He liked my voice but the judges were not so interested. He asked me if I would like to sing for a short film. As it was an golden opportunity for me I agreed to him. His previous movie was successful and he was signed for the next in which he involved me too . This was the picture you have watched yesterday. While working with him , I don’t know how but a special feeling was generated and I began to like him.
Then one day I collected all my guts and went to talk him on this matter . Before I speak he told her that he is going for a trip and wanted to talk her in alone at a cafe(coffee-shop). We set the time and were on time there . He began first and told me that he is going to a nearby resort for shooting some scene . I told him that I would go with him too. He said that he believed that I would refuse. Then , he asked me what I wanted to say in the morning. I replied that it was nothing. Well that day is still a red-letter day. (she paused and then took another long breathe)
Abhijeet – Only this much! I didn’t get the answer to my question yet.
Shipra – Now comes the main part .
The whole scene was of a plateau region. And, nature was at its best. While he was being shot I was wandering over one of those plateau. Then suddenly I found that I was standing at the end part of it and it has been collapsed . I fall down and then another part(which was just broken after it fall on me. There was no chance for me to escape death.
Abhijeet – What happened next? Were those part of rock didn’t fall on you or you were saved by something or were you taken to the hospital?
Shipra – I was taken to the hospital.
Abhijeet – So, how many days bed rest you were given.
Shipra – For whole-after life.
Abhijeet – What do you mean? I didn’t understand.
Shipra – I was dead.
Abhijeet – You made me serious in the first two part and now you are kidding. You must be planning to be-fool me.
Shipra – No, its the truth and I am serious too.
Abhijeet – Okay, If I believe that you are saying the truth then How can be you sitting and talking here.
Shipra – You doubts are right and expectable . And for answer to all your question is that I am a soul waiting for my decided death moment.
Abhijeet – Stop kidding. Just reveal you prank and tell me that the last part is pseudo.
Shipra – (with a booming voice) Its all correct and you have to believe it . A soul remains on this planet till its desires are fulfilled or his decided time arrives.
Abhijeet – Its not easy to believe all this. However , let me listen everything first.
Shipra – As I already mentioned that a soul remains here till his desires task is completed. I am waiting to complete my uncompleted tasks and to be free after that.
Abhijeet – So , what do you wanted to do before your death.
Shipra – I wanted to propose him.
Abhijeet – And, How will you do that?
Shipra – I need your help for that.
Abhijeet – But , prove me first that you are a soul.
Shipra – Okay , as you have wished I have to fulfill it. ‘The song which is in your phone and you just love to listen was sung by me . And I uploaded it myself when I was breathing for the last moments. It was made to be downloaded only by one person . And that song summoned me here at your apartment.
Abhijeet – Let me check first. (checking his cellphone) Ya, It has your name in the details. Its enough to believe .
Shipra – Will you help me now?
Abhijeet –How can I help you.
Shipra – As I specified earlier that I wanted to propose Harsh . I want to do that work at any cost.
Abhijeet – But…
Shipra – What But …?
Abhijeet – I liked you and I was planning to propose you in the next month.
Shipra – The quality of feeling generated by your heart is lower than mine And this is because you haven’t gone through the pain of Isolation.
Abhijeet – You may be correct. But , don’t say like that its rude.
Shipra – Are you going to help me or not?
Abhijeet – As I have stated earlier I am always ready for anything . I will definitely help you .I promise.
Shipra – I have planned a plan. You have to follow it as you have promised me .
Abhijeet – Okay, What is your plan?
Shipra – A small accident with anyone girl.
Abhijeet – How will this help you?
Shipra – I will took up her body and then went to propose him.
Abhijeet – I am not going rude. But, if he refuses.
Shipra – He cannot do that. And it will be better to think positive.
Abhijeet – And If I would be taken in for trail or may be prisoned.
Shipra – Don’t worry ! Nothing will happen to you.
Abhijeet – Okay , I will . But, what would I get then.
Shipra – You should not be so mean . What can you expect from a soul?
Abhijeet – No , I don’t want anything . Just kidding.
Shipra – Okay , You are really a nice guy.
Abhijeet – I didn’t understand much. Can you explain me how is that to be done .
Shipra – Just think a bit and you will get it .
( Abhijeet left her home and went to his )
He started thinking to help her and spend a major part of his days .He sometimes forget to take his meals and other requirements. He soon started to suffer from Insomnia.
After spending weeks he found one girl from the same firm/company . She was Radhika and was known for great dialogues used in their animes . She was his junior and she used to follow all his advice and commands. He soon started to plan their accident.
On the very Saturday leave ,they planned to meet at a restaurant where they were going to talk about their special edition of the same anime .
But …
On the next day, there was a breaking news which goes like this…
BMW-Volkswagen Burning Crash
Two person (A girl and a boy) was found in their burning BMW and Volkswagen . It has been reported by the nearby people that a crashed then a bang was heard and when they rushed out these cars were seen burning . Immediately they were taken to the hospital. That boy has recovered on the same night . However, the burns of the girl are severe.
At the hospital, Abhijeet was sitting near her and soon the Gendarme officers arrived. They started their investigation after wishing him a good morning. He didn’t wanted to disturb them so he left that place and went to his office to inform others. After 6 hours investigations they found that this accident was planned and also found the guilt was of Abhijeet .(They get a record of their conversation in her phone) So, they took him with them for trail.
It took the court two sessions each on two different dates . At the end , he was sentenced prison for 5 years .
In the mean time Radhika was not able repel her pain that long and thus died. (Ooh come on! Give me a break ! ) ( lets take One minute peace for her)
Just a few minutes before she was taken to the burial ground Shipra took up her body and tried her best to make a notable response. All the doctors who were assigned to cure her wounds rushed to see her. She took a short time to recover hundred percentage. She was discharged by the same week and the charges were paid from Abhijeet’s account .
After getting discharged she went to a fair and then to a zoo . After all , she was able to be seen by all and eat food and move around in all directions physically . In the evening she went to the flat whose she paid rent and slept there for the whole night.
The next morning , She readied herself as the final day which she was waiting for such a long period came . She was going to propose Harsh.
“Alert! Someone is waiting out. Alert!”
A low pitched voice from inside – Who’s there?
Radhika – I am your friend- Shipra. You might have forgotten me.
He came out and got surprised and began to bombard questions.
Harsh –I’m sorry to be rude. But, Who are you and why did you said that you are Shipra.
Radhika – Won’t you welcome me first?
Harsh – Sorry! Yes, you may come inside first.
Radhika –(looking at the walls and ceiling) Hmm,you have modified your home well. There are a lot of changes you have made. Good.
Harsh – Yes, I had changed a lot of things. Now please answer to my question .I am getting more curious .
Radhika – You haven’t changed even a single bit .Indeed!
Harsh – We will talk on these matters latter on but please answer to my question first.
Radhika – Okay, As you wish. You may be thinking that she died in that accident .
Harsh – Yes, and that is the only reason for my curiosity
Radhika – Well , On that day My body was totally broken but my soul was strong and had a desire to complete my unfulfilled desire. And my soul was free by then . Free to remain solitary till the pre-decided time. And then I remembered my last desire and started to complete it.
Harsh – ( interrupted ) Its not April’s first and stop making me fool in that way.
Radhika – Its not like that .Its all true.
Harsh – How will you prove that you are Shipra?
Radhika – We can play a quest or quiz for that.
Harsh – And I have to ask you questions.
Radhika – Yes, and I will answer to you.
Their quiz goes on for half an hour. And then they returned to the main matter.
Harsh – So, What made you to get back to this world and How did you get another body?
Radhika – Well I get this body totally dead in a hospital and I have came back so as to meet you.
Harsh – Ooh , I see. And, What do you wanted from me.
Radhika – A relationship.
Harsh – What type of relationship ?
Radhika – (In a shy voice) Husband – Wife.
Harsh – Are you kidding . I mean I have no such plans now.
Radhika – Why so ?
Harsh – Oh dear,I am fond of you but not so that I would marry you without any plan. I have a long career to complete . My parents have already started searching a girl for me.
Radhika – Ooh , then Shall I stop hoping for our relationship.
Harsh – Surely for some time.
Radhika – Okay, I have completed my part and its time to return.
She felt the pain of Isolation once again . Therefore she just disappeared from there and went to a lonely place which was her burial ground. She spent days and nights there and then pursed a thought which soon became her last desire. Then she remembered of that boy who did all that for her. And, she decided to meet him . She went to the prison to meet him. She was not noticed by anyone .
At the prison in his cell, Abhijeet was totally surprised.
Abhijeet – Are you Radhika aren’t you?
Radhika – Yes, the outer vessel is of her but I’m Shipra from inside.
Abhijeet – Okay the second half of the sentence is enough for me to believe . Now , free me from here.
Radhika – I’m sorry for all that.
Abhijeet – Its all okay , now just say everything to the Gendarme and free me .
Radhika – I’m sorry for that too.
Abhijeet – You looks sad, Did he rejected your proposal?
Radhika – Yes , he said that he has no plan for marriage at the moment .
Abhijeet – Then why don’t you wait for the right moment.
Radhika – I know him well and I don’t think that it would be a short period of time and I can’t wait that long in some one else frame too.
Abhijeet – I see . Then please free me.
Radhika – No , I have another task to complete first.
Abhijeet – Okay , I can wait here till your work gets finished. But…
Radhika – What but..?
Abhijeet – May I know your plan.
She left the body there and then she get herself in the last condition when she was in her body which was totally bloodstained with broken bones.
Shipra – Destruction of his life .Destruction of everything of him.
She disappeared with the vessel before he would say anything. After her disappearance he started to pressurize his brain to think about the last words said by her and he came to the conclusion that she will do something wrong with Harsh .
He informed the Gendarme everything about this .and then he requested to send a news as fast as possible to that guy.
This messaged reached to his Secretary. It was then sent to him. His Secretary read all this .Then he decided to suicide so that she would reach to his family and other important people. But in the mean time she appeared
Shipra (soul) – You know , I was waiting for this message to reach you as it would be really hard for me to explain.
Harsh – I will not let you harm my clan.
Shipra – Ooh , It looks that you love your family a lot.
Harsh – Yes I do and I will not allow you to touch them.
Harsh burns his lighter and every thing gets ‘boom’.(he started the gas to leak before they started talking). Every thing get transformed into ashes .
She became more sad and thought that it would be better for everyone including her to remain silent .
Abhijeet refused to eat and work. He was too suffering from isolation and at last he lost all his interest in being alive . He died because of starvation after 3 years and 7 months from the day he was imprisoned by court .
A few words—-
You Know , Its such a drag to write everything. If you have problems try to think their answers by yourself first .You may ask me if you don’t get any part or answer.