Friendship, its a very simple word with a great meaning. It has lots of meaning. It is seen between a mother and son; mother and daughter; father and son; two people growing up together; two old men walking in park daily in morning.
A is a young girl staying in a society in Ahmedabad city. B is her friend who stayed in Baroda city. They were studying together in same school in same class since they were in first. A had a family who was very well -to-do and B had a poor family. B’s economical status was not so good. A was from rich family. A always used to bring food (tiffin ) for B in school. They both used to eat their lunch together. They also sit in class together. B was very intelligent and A was not so intelligent in studies. A was very god in games. B was not good in games. A used to help B in getting notebooks for the studies and B used to always cheer her in games.
The other girls in the class were very jealous of them,. They always tried to make a distance between A & B, but all in vain. They even tried to complaint the teacher about them, but could not get any result.
one day one of the girl from the class stole pen from A’s bag and spread the news that B had stolen the pen. everyone was shocked. No teacher believed them. They asked all the students of the class to check their bags. teacher got the pen from the bag of B. Then teacher gave punishment to B. Still A was not convinced and she said,” B cannot steal the pen from my bag”.
one day A applied oil on the pen and kept on the desk. The same girl again took the pen and kept the pen in B’s bag, but this time she could not see the oil on the pen and oil was stick on her hands. Again, the girl told teacher that B has stolen the pen. B was in tensed as she did not do that and was still getting shoutings by teacher.
Immediately A caught the hand of girl and put some paper particles on that girl’s hand. paper got stick to hand and became oily. A said, ” See Teacher, this girl has stolen my pen as her hands are full of oil. This is the same oil which i have applied to pen before keeping in my bag. So this proves that B has not stolen my pen, this girl has stolen the pen.
so this made the friendship more stronger and healthier.
Hence, Friendship depends on TRUST