I told Bindu that unlike my other friends she was very close to me. It was she who always taught me the importance of life.
Published by Sukanya Roy in category Friends with tag diwali | friend | friendship | Life
Read, Write & Publish Short Stories
Published by Sukanya Roy in category Friends with tag diwali | friend | friendship | Life
I told Bindu that unlike my other friends she was very close to me. It was she who always taught me the importance of life.
Published by Pujawriter23 in category Social and Moral with tag Dreams | friendship | girl
She started getting dreams of becoming famous and winning a director’s medal.
Published by Sukanya Roy in category Friends with tag beautiful | friend | friendship
Bindu was very close friend to me. It was she who always taught me the importance of life.
Published by Dharam Singh Rathore in category Hindi Story | Love and Romance with tag feelings | friendship | Love
We got separated from each other because of some “misunderstanding”, I loved you and you loved me but then we parted ways. Destiny was very nice to me it gave me back you and I was happy.
Published by CharlieChapman in category Social and Moral with tag boyfriend | friendship | girlfriend | Love | school
Including my very short experience with girls thus far, I decided not to become too close to any girl for the matter. I guess I was frustrated. Not worth the effort I tell myself, even now…
Published by Nazia Rida in category Poetry with tag Dream | feelings | friendship | Love | poem
It’s not a goodbye my friend, Our friendship has a long way, it’s not an end. Something I won’t say something you will not understand,
Published by priya79 in category Friends with tag award | discrimination | friendship | Love | sister | soul
Published by Nicole Travasso in category Friends with tag death | Friends | friendship | murder | school
There I was dangling from my neck, my life at the fingertips of a sadistic science teacher. My hands were fumbling at my neck, desperately trying to loosen the rope.
Published by Aditya Naman in category Love and Romance with tag beautiful eyes | Friends | friendship | school
Every morning he would come to market,spend his whole day with Kimmi and back to home. Everything was good but soon his happiness was brutally attacked by his mother .
Published by aparnarajc in category Friends with tag Friends | friendship | office
Friendship is not about a name or the span spend in each other’s company. It is a feeling of joy and camaraderie that comes while talking to each other.