Dogs are loyal as well as sensitive to their master with benevolance. This Hindi story is about a faithful dog.
Published by TISPRASS in category Hindi | Hindi Story | Social and Moral with tag dog | friendship | pet | winter
Read, Write & Publish Short Stories
Published by TISPRASS in category Hindi | Hindi Story | Social and Moral with tag dog | friendship | pet | winter
Dogs are loyal as well as sensitive to their master with benevolance. This Hindi story is about a faithful dog.
Published by Junned Khan in category Childhood and Kids | Kids' Bedtime with tag birds | friendship | trees
When finally he had made it to the grove after so much of patience and hard work, the mango trees were not even interested in talking to him forget about making friends with him.
Published by Adrian11711 in category Love and Romance with tag friend | friendship | heart break | Love
Suddenly she heard footsteps behind her. Someone was running, trying to escape the downpour. He bumped roughly into her and she stumbled but just managed to keep her footing.
Published by Gulraj in category Love and Romance with tag coffee | friendship | gift | Love
She was always there with me. I felt like she is holding me tightly and I am holding her tightly. That was something peaceful, completely peaceful.
Published by Sb4394 in category Friends with tag Faith | friend | friendship | heart break | Love
The only person Ryan would want to say about his posting abroad, whole heatedly was Elsa. But he never could talk to her.
Published by shobhit1424 in category Love and Romance with tag best friend | friendship | Love | Relationships | soulmate
She kept on smiling and read the letter innumerous times. She couldn’t believe that the story she was determined to end few hours earlier, now has a new beginning.
Published by GSam in category Paranormal Experience with tag Dream | friendship | ghost | spirit
I am still at a considerable distance to make out his face properly, but something told me it is Pradip, the man raised his hand and pointed a finger at me, my head spun around.
Published by Akshay Raj Chovhan in category Suspense and Thriller with tag friendship | murder | orphanage | past
In this part of the last episode, follow Rahul into his orphaned past as he remembers his childhood and discover origins of his broken psychology and the nightmarish world that still echoes in his hallucinations.
Published by rrrcool1 in category Love and Romance with tag fairy tale | friendship | heart break | Love | relationship
The same old fashioned love story. A boy proposed and after a little time the girl accepted. The confusion is cleared. Years passed, there were extravagant memories in a pocket book.
Published by engineerbsw in category Friends | Hindi | Hindi Story with tag bird | education | friendship | school
In this Hindi story Vihan get a friend and scarifies his friendship on the sake of creativity. Read story and feel the Essene of relation between friendship and creativity.