Dear you,
It is still raining here…. like unceasing despair…like endless pain. Since the moment I joined this job, this is what I am seeing, the continual unbroken drops raining into me! Rain…. I never knew before, that ‘she’ was such a beauty! It is like the open side of the hostel corridor is always decorated with beaded strings of water crystals which you never stop admiring. This rain…..takes me through the valleys of thoughts, actually your thoughts. Do you remember? Our first time to school was on such a rainy day. Then, you eyes were as innocent as the rain drops that poured on us. Later, somewhere in the time line, you became my world itself!
More monsoons passed by. The forts of my loneliness crumbled down with the waves of your laughter. You broke into the ruins of my empire with ease and got seated on my lusterless throne! Since then, you turned out to be my prince! That is when I started to write to you. I wrote letters, sitting in the same class, when you were just a reach away. Still it was the last year in the school that I decided to write about my “love” for you. And when I gathered courage to give you that, it was too late. Your heart was already taken! That night’s downpour swept away my letter. After a little bit of struggle, unsure of destiny, it floated away… to somewhere unknown.
Later at some point, you came back to my friendship, abandoned and hurt! Once you were back, I started to write again all the love I felt for you…still continue, to write! As in my each letter, the subject is love and it will always remain so. There is an ocean to be told…yet have to wind up.
It is still raining here….. And that reminds me of something! Just like all the other mails, I do not have the ‘nerve’ to send you this one too… It is still raining in here……..