Short stories, shorter ones rather. Not precisely in the order I wrote them though, sharing just four of my stories with you.
If only
Somewhere under the sky, from where the smoke arises, the air smells fuel and stinks of dried roses, we do not dwell there on the filth.
I give the visitors a dull look through the window first and then hazy glares as I open the door. Prominent enough expressions that you are not desired at this time.
Riley smiled again and Ainsley fell in love with him at once. She kept on admiring Riley and was also fascinated by the choice of the red juice he was sipping
A trek to nowhere
The trek was successful. The view was mesmerizing. What lay ahead was unknown. A conversation that changed what I saw…or did I see it?
The Last Letter
At midnight today you turned 18 but before I could fulfill my wish you left. This last letter to you will remain with me for the rest of my life,
But the candles burnt
The candles in all the rooms were lit. The windows were opened to let the room airy. Now that I felt voracious, I made some quick snacks for me in the candle light.