Fate and Sakura

Fate and Sakura
Photo credit: wallyir from morguefile.com
Chapter 2
The Event
There is a stir of happiness all around Jako’s house. Everyone looks occupied with something. I loved to see Sato really going up and down meeting the demands which comes across. Hiroto is preparing the open area in front of the house which looks like a compound but rather small, nevertheless he has to arrange it to accommodate the guests. Aiko could been seen outside trying to gather food and drinks. Hana is still inside maybe with Shila or meeting other chores. The children are outside playing with other kids from the neighbourhood.
I haven’t met Shila yet perhaps it is the custom here not to see the mothers who had just given birth so I better stay out with the men. Around mid morning the villagers started gathering at the Jako’s. Smiles are everywhere and it seems like a thousand suns had just lit up to brighten the day even more. I could see that the locals are coming with some sort of gifts or tokens. I don’t know what is there. Maybe it is food or valued gifts but all are pouring at once at Jako’s place.
I was busy enjoying this new moment then a hand from behind signaled me to follow the rest of the men to the patch near the farming area. Sato and Hiroto walked alongside me while Jako was up in front with other village men. As we approached the destined place I could gather what these men are going to do next. Three pigs were tied up against a large cedar tree with their legs bound together. I had eaten a lot of pork and bacon but never experienced how they are slaughtered. In war it is easy to hit your target but over here it is a nerve shaking experience.
Jako moved up to one of the pigs started examining it for a while. Is it a custom for the fathers to make the first kill or is he going to select one out of those three. After some chatting and laughter around with the men Jako brought out his hunting knife. It looked more like a dagger then a hunters knife to me but nevertheless they all do the same purpose. Bathe in warm blood. Jako and other men grabbed the pig and dumped it on the ground with it’s back resting on the earth. There is a shriek of wailing going around as the beast tries to struggle out for it’s freedom from the hands of it’s concluding destiny. Jako examines the chest between the forearms with his fingers and at a promising point thrusts the blade into the beasts heart. The same was done to other two by other men.
I stood motionless for a moment thinking why they have to always strike the heart. Pearl Harbour was something like this I suppose where you don’t want to give any chance. Maybe pigs have a small throat and it is very difficult to finish it as it is done to other animals. After some time the men cut open the beasts bellies to remove the gut. Some edible organs such as heart, liver and kidneys are removed while the rest are dumped in a pit nearby. The men took the carcass back to the village where there is a group of men waiting to prepare the meat for lunch I suppose.
I was bit disturbed by the killing method of these people and didn’t want to share my feelings with anyone. Actually I can’t I know it but for a moment I didn’t want to stand near them. While the men are busy I took a short walk towards the sea. I pointed to Jako that am heading out to the sea but will be ok. He signaled Sato to join me but Sato was lost in his own world so I assured him that I will be fine.
The village feels empty now as everyone are gathered at Jako’s place. Only some had stayed behind to finish up with normal chores before joining the celebration later. It’s midday and am feeling a bit peckish. I rather stay here out on the beach rather than returning to Jako’s place. The sea is so calm and the blue sky had spread over my head like a large umbrella. The breeze is so fresh and crispy with the ocean smell. Though it is quite but the beach is also busy. Seabirds are on their regular hunting schedule while the other creatures are hurrying on feeding before the tide moves in.
I synchronized my walk with the pace of the waves as they lazily swept the beach. Seaweeds seemed like mermaids hair on small pools. I bent down to touch them then I heard Aiko’s voice from behind. I turned around and there she was about fifty yards away from me. She came to call me up I suppose but it wasn’t the call for lunch because she was walking towards me panting and puffing with cheerful glow on her face. She looked really wonderful with those sparkling eyes on her small round face. I have been here for nearly five months but I haven’t seen her that closely. She has chubby cheeks as if the mouth is full hanging out depicting her blooming youthfulness. Still innocent like a babe.
Smilingly approached me and said something which I couldn’t get. I signaled her to slow down and she drew closer to me. Maybe she thought that I didn’t hear her properly so she came close and I could feel her warm breathe. I moved half pace back and asked her again what she wanted to tell. She said something but still I couldn’t get it what it exactly was. Finally she took out an apple from her pocket and handed out to me. Maybe I didn’t anything since the morning so she got me something to supplement for my appetite. How kind of her. Ofcourse I was hungry so I took the apple and started eating as if it was the only food left in the world.
Aiko smiled at the way I was eating and again said something which I didn’t get. All I can do was to nod my head. Atleast Jako should have taught her the fragmented English he knows then it won’t be that difficult for both of us. We started walking back home. On the way Aiko rushed towards the seabirds. It seemed fun for her. I looked at her thinking that if she was in States or Hawaii even she would make up a wonderful babe. Oh how those fashionable clothes would have matched her I wonder. She ran back to me smiling with eyes filled with sparkles of a million stars. Maybe she wanted to know whether I enjoyed that or not.
I said “seabirds” she repeated after me and in a very slow tone said “ sea………b…i..r..dsss” I laughed at her pronunciation and repeated again “seabirds” and she did the same but after two attempts perfected the word. She became full of excitement because she had just learnt something new. And started calling every bird which flew by “seabird” “seabird” , after enjoying some moments with her on her new discovery I intruded to correct her. I pointed out to the sea and said “sea” and she said “umi” I guess they call sea “umi” so I was also excited to learn a new word myself.
Then I pointed to the birds and said “birds” and she repeated after me birds. I pointed at sea and said sea and then back to birds and said birds. Then I pointed at a seabird and said seabird and to a normal bird just bird. She gazed with me with wide eyes and murmuring the words which she had just learnt and then face brighten up as if the oil lamp had got more fuel now. She knew the difference between two words and their meaning in another tongue.
Now her level of excitement doubled and ran all around me with a newfound joy. Seeing her so happy for the first time made me realize that life has a meaning and maybe worth living. We walked down the beach to the village path entrance where Hitomi and her gang were waiting. Hitomi is always excited to see me but today was bit displeased. Maybe she was unhappy about me not taking her to the beach or was it that Aiko was with me. For me I suppose both options were correct. She came to her sister and started complaining perhaps why she had to go with me.
I walked towards her and tried to pick her up in my arms. But the cruel pain came back for an instance and I had to bring her down together with myself. I stayed down for a while and a circle of friends gathered around me all saying “daijobu” now I understand that “daijobu” means ok! but it was really hard to explain what I was going through. After sometime Kaito an elderly men came by to clear the air and helped me get on my feet. I insisted that am alright but he further insisted that I should continue with his assistance.
Together we walked down to Jako’s place with Aiko and Hitomi behind me while others disappeared. I guess they were weary about something bad must have happened to me and they are responsible for it. A few yards away from the house I thanked Kaito and told him that am ok and walked calmly to the center of the compound. I didn’t want them to know what had happened and draw a cloud of concern especially at this moment. It would really mess up the celebration. Sato was about to grab my hand and drag me to the cooking site when Aiko interrupted and I guess reassured to him that my wounds are not healed yet and he should not act so hard now. Hiroto came and confirmed Aiko’s statement and Sato went away complaining displeased. I saw Jako sitting with some village men and walked towards him. He looked at me and welcomed me in the usual manner. I could see the sign of acceptance in these people’s eyes and sat down with them.
Later I was served with a beverage which these people dink up on occasions. It looked milky but actually was fermented rice liquor with ginger. It tasted like alcohol but was bloody sweet and for a moment my tongue was coated with sugar as I felt. After a few drinks I began to feel the pain easing away from my body and everything around me started to appear more lively then before. It was late in the evening and I didn’t feel like taking a bath. While other men joined Sato’s group I stayed behind to observe how they preparing for the occasion. Aiko came out of the house running and grabbed my hand. She was pointing towards Shila’s room and asking me to join her in going there. For a moment I felt whether it is appropriate for me to go and see the baby. But I cannot resist her insistence so joined her towards Shila’s room. I tip-toed towards the rooms entrance feeling very unnatural about this thing then right at the doorway Jako was standing waiting for me. Aiko told her dad that she brought me.
It was Jako who instructed Aiko to bring me inside and after learning that a great weighed was lifted off my shoulders regarding this new culture. Shila was lying on her bed smiling at me and the baby was in Jako’s arms. Jako asked me to sit next to him and then placed the infant in my arms. I didn’t feel the fear that much before crashing down than now holding a newborn baby. It’s just few hours old and am given the privilege of holding it in my arms. I looked at the baby and realized that life is really fragile and we have to handle with care. She doesn’t know what is happening around her but ofcourse she is the reason for today and what will be tomorrow. I could see the pupils beneath the eyelids moving. She wants to see the world as we do but right now she is weak.
I wonder war is also like her. Too weak to open the eyes and accept the beauty of life. With all the strength it has war just makes things weaker rather then stronger. Maybe someday the world will wake up from this weakness and accept life for living not taking. For now I shall leave this beauty in the arms of greater care and give the parents the time of their own. I thanked Jako for his consideration and went outside. The atmosphere is dull but it is short lived. Soon darkness veiled it’s curtain over the village and Jako’s place lit up with celebration on the other hand. People gathered large in numbers and it seemed like that they were anticipating the baby more than Jako. Dress code wasn’t required over here but it was wise to be decent enough. Hana and Shila were both what it seems to be like in one of their traditional outfits. I can’t say it was their best because both ladies have a unique taste about dress code. Jako seemed dashing in the traditional outfit though. Looks more like a traditional soldier as what it appeared to me.
Shila’s children Yuralria and Miki were to shy to come out of their mothers room initially but when Hitomi came by their shyness disappeared. Everybody seemed so lively that I wonder if this nation is really on war. There is abundance of food apart from those three pigs which were slaughtered earlier during the day. I guess Sato would be really happy with all he can eat in the world today and plenty of wine to drink. The village priest with some elderly members blessed the mother and father of the newborn and then the feast began. Women gathered in the house while the men settled outside in the compound. Hiroto with some other village boys of his age continued serving the wine. It is not appropriate for ladies to consume liquor but I could see secret usage being done.
I had enough during the afternoon session so I tried to fill myself with the food and other delicacies. You cannot tell what you are eating until it is in your mouth because the dim light made it difficult to see. The old local folk songs entertained us throughout the night till we can hear the voices getting infested with intoxication. Finally the hour came when people started returning home. Around midnight most of the villagers were gone. Only few relatives of Hana and close friends stayed behind to help out in resetting the place up. Jako and Sato were already fast asleep. I was outside trying to help Hiroto as far as I can. I felt sorry for the young lad but can’t do much for now because I didn’t want to strain myself. If I was ok I would have done all that by myself and asked him to take rest.
When the last barrel was returned to the storehouse Hiroto could not hold on any more. I gestured him that he had done enough and leave it for me. He didn’t want to but it was way past midnight and he needed rest desperately like others. There wasn’t much to do just return some tables to the house. As I was doing that Aiko came by for assistance. She brought me a hot beverage which tasted like the one I had with Jako earlier but wasn’t alcoholic. I set down on the verandah stairs to take some breath and she set beside me. The moonlight on her face illuminated her innocence which I began to marvel. She gazed at the night sky and looked at me. I said stars to a band of bright ones and she repeated after me “stars” and without giving me a chance to say next she pointed out at the moon and waited for me to say something. I looked into her eyes and said “moon.” She turned back at the moon and started repeatedly saying “moon!, moon, moon, stars, stars,.stars…!” slowly.
I can’t say what type of relationship we are about to have but all I knew that it is going to be a new one which I would like very much to begin with. I am a twenty-six year old man, educated and pilot by profession whereas she is just an innocent being yet to blossom who does not know anything about world outside her village. She stayed there for a while and then rushed in the house after hearing Hana calling her inside to help her out. I looked around and everything was quiet. Silence was my only company now. I finished the last sip in the cup and returned to my sleeping room. Sato was not there and I took advantage of the given opportunity for a well deserved sleep tonight. Truly it had been one of those events you don’t wanna forget.