Fate and Sakura

Fate and Sakura
Photo credit: wallyir from morguefile.com
Chapter 7
Risky Times
Now I had got my confirmation I could sense myself rejuvenated. Not only I got to see Aiko more often but a new bond had formed between me, Hiroto and Sato. We were always hanging together either in the fields, the beach and even made trips to the mountains. Life had a new meaning for me now. Sometimes I wondered that it should never end since am accepted into this family and really want to spend the rest of life over here. I knew that whatever would happen, Hiroto and Sato would fight for me to get Aiko’s hand. I wasn’t afraid to ask her from Jako and Hana but what I wanted was to be totally accepted by this family where I won’t have any doubts. Though am treated equally but still I am a foreigner. An outsider who is seeking refuge in enemy territory.
Anything can happen next and I don’t know what was happening at the war. What if someone reports about me and the Japs come looking after me over here. I cannot risk this family for my own safety’s sake. In due time I should make the right move which is better for everyone. Spring season is really wonderful but really makes us work for summer is coming fast and the fields should be ready before the rainy season comes. We worked hard everyday just like last season. Everyone were busy like bees and the birds. By the end of the day we were too exhausted to speak even so straight after dinner we would hit the sack in no time.
The children had started their school and Aiko was twice as busy as she was in the winter. Jako didn’t go out to the seas though it was good season to catch fish. There were reports of foreign navy vessels patrolling the Northern sea around Japan. He even was stopped by the Russians once but they didn’t do anything to him since he told them that he was from Alaska. So instead of having fresh fish we had dried ones instead nowdays. However it did taste good. Jako often accompanied us in the fields and it was very uncomfortable for all of us. Especially Sato, since he cannot yarn like he used to do. Even we dared not to speak much since we didn’t want to give him any hint about Aiko.
Everyday Aiko used to bring us our lunch and stayed with us till we finished. Later she would go to pick up the children from the school. Sometimes Jako would accompany her giving us strict orders to meet before he returns. Infact he never returns on time because he stays up late with the village men drinking. Those were the precious moments we enjoyed the most. The whole atmosphere would liven up for a while and it was really fun to see Sato then, trying to imitate Jako and later pass on remarks which we could not hold back from laughing. When it was really late Aiko would come and call us home.
One day while she was there Sato said it out that he wants us to get married. That statement did annoy all of us but I think it was appropriate of him to say it out since one day everyone has to know. Aiko was very crossed but later Hiroto explained to her everything and they were there to help us in time of desperate. She still looked uncomfortable maybe she didn’t expect them to know or she wanted to keep it as a secret. For a couple of days she tried to draw herself away from us but later she had to come back. I suppose she must have accepted it or maybe there wasn’t any other option. Now since we were four of us on one side it really felt great. The best part was that we were given some time to hang out alone which gave us opportunity to get closer.
Now the summer season was here and days were really getting hotter. We had to take break during the day to rest under the tree and in the evening we joined other villagers by the river banks. Hitomi, Miki and Yuralria were our frequent guests and during that time I had to tell them stories. Not only it drew other village children but as well as elder members. So it became the usual pattern everyday that I had to tell them stories by the river after days work. In one way it was good because the resistance I once saw in their eyes due to fear of Japanese soldiers interrogating them was vanishing away now. It didn’t matter to them whether I told them the same stories more than once but what really fascinated them was experience of life beyond their surroundings and distant places. Information about people, culture, society, animals, plants, machines, fashion, food and the list went on and on. Indeed it captivated their attention and I became their eyes and ears for a moment. They got to see, hear and experience new things through my tongue and they kept coming for more.
That moment I really thanked god for sending me over here. How innocent these people are who don’t know anything about outside world and how it works. I found myself to be privileged to deliver them with the happenings outside though I was two years behind. My stories found me the respect I once lost. The villagers now started accepting me as one of them. I was frequently invited for meals but I didn’t went since there were two people on earth who would be very cross with me. One for sure was Aiko because she cooks food for me and does not want me to waste it.
Well food was just a reason but the fact was that she was feeling bit insecure for there were girls around her age in the village. Once I went to Yamoto sans place for dinner and she did not talk to me for two days. I really had to convince her that it would never happen again. Secondly it was Sato for he had grown fond of me and there won’t be anyone to listen to his stories and smoke with him. It wasn’t that I was scared of him but the thing was I had to see that he does not say anything about me and Aiko to anyone. I do respect this man but I don’t trust his tongue because he doesn’t know how to keep within his mouth according to Hiroto. But I did accompany Jako with the village men during their drinking sessions.
Jako actually was quite impressed with me and the reputation I had earned. It was not only for me but him as well since he didn’t have to contribute anything for drinks. He picks me up and all the debts were covered. But the good thing was that Jako always had his meal at home so Aiko was satisfied with that. Life had really twisted recently and this was something which I had never expected. At one time I felt suffocated thinking what will happen to me. Now every step I take I breath in fresh air.
My spirit feels rekindled every moment now in my life. I don’t want to know what is going to happen to me tomorrow. For all what matters to me is what is there for me today. If my today is better than yesterday then I should not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow has it’s own anxieties and I shall wait for it to become today again. I feel much better for what I am now and when time comes I should accept what it has to offer.
Chapter 8
The Storm
Japanese summer is intolerable and the storms are even worse. It is not wise to get caught in one of those but it was one of the wildest experience for me once. Since the crops were growing well we had some ample time to do other activities like going down to the beach and hunting. Once headed out to the hills to gather fresh mountain vegetables which were growing abundantly on the plains. Aiko also accompanied us that day for she had to gather some herbal plants Hana had asked her in the morning.
It was a fine day in the morning like usual summer days. Four of us went to the mountains with our normal chatting and pricking Sato every now and then. At the plains it didn’t take us a long time before we were able to fill our sacks full. Tiring job it had been and when we had enough Hiroto said “ Why don’t we take some rest before heading home?” we all agreed at once since walking back home would take us atleast two hours with the load. Sato didn’t wait for Hiroto and lit up his tobacco. After taking few puffs he passed it around to us. Aiko in meantime went into the bush to look for the herbal plants.
We chatted for more than an hour till we felt the cool breeze sweeping all around us. It wasn’t a normal breeze but it seemed like gaining momentum with every second of the clock.
In a cautious tone Hiroto told us “We need to go now! If it rains heavily then we all will be stuck!”
He was right since the streams were full it could easily get flooded. I told them to get going and I will bring Aiko. It didn’t seemed to be a wise decision but they had to get going since they were carrying the sacks. So after they left I went into the bush to call Aiko. I didn’t go far when I saw her already in little panic heading towards me. She looked calm but her eyes depicted a different picture. I didn’t ask her anything and we made our way towards the opening. Now the winds grew much angrier and every gust across our face felt it’s rage. It had begun raining with flashes of lightning capturing corner of our eyes. The heavy downpour and strong winds made it difficult to see.
It was growing dark now and with this weather the skies would engulf light very soon. We cannot stay under the trees because lightning struck the mountain randomly and we didn’t want to become Zeus easy targets. We kept on walking holding each other tightly in arms. I could feel Aiko’s pulse growing faster now and believed she must be feeling the same. We knew the tracks so well that we can follow it blindfolded if someone bets but today even with four eyes we couldn’t guess our steps right. We kept missing the direction and soon we realized that we were lost
Now was the time to panic for we were drenched to our bones and we didn’t know where we were heading. Aiko was crying and I felt like doing the same but that would really make things worse. I tried to calm her down by telling that the rain is easing and soon we can see the stars. But it didn’t seem like to happen for tonight, mother nature was on rage. Lightning bolts struck the trees and we could hear their cries. We kept on walking and I said it to myself that I know we are all born to die once.
But today is not that day. I want to live this day and make it through. For if I die tonight my birth would not be worth it. Now it was pitch black and only guidance were the lightning flashes. We didn’t realize how far we had come, then suddenly Aiko slipped and went straight down the slope towards the flooded stream. She cried for help but I could not locate her. I looked everywhere around me but could not trace out. I screamed in between the storms rage for Aiko. I knew that she made a long way down since her voice was quite faint. I was terribly worried for if she had hurt herself it could be fatal. Despite all those thoughts in my head I searched for her wildly.
I kept on saying “Aiko! Just keep on Talking! I need to hear your voice! Everything is going to be fine! Am coming for you! Am coming for you!”
I kept on calling her name but her voice seemed like getting further away from me. I didn’t want to give up yet. What am I going to say to her family? What am I going to tell Sato and Hiroto? What am I going to say to myself for the rest of my life? I had found my life because of her and I don’t want to lose her. I kept on searching for her but I didn’t realize that I had come to close to the gorge.
Suddenly a lightning bolt struck on a tree just couple of yards away from me and I dashed to my left for safety. But after my feet left the ground it took a while to get on the ground once more. I landed heavily on thick vegetation and soft ground. Lucky I was for apart from few minor injuries I didn’t hurt myself badly. I could stand but my walking was painful for I had twisted my ankle. I sat on a rock nearby and took off my shoes. My ankle was swollen but I could move my toes which confirmed me that it wasn’t broken. I put on my shoes though it made walking very uncomfortable.
I was near the flooded stream for sure because the sound of moving water was very loud and clear. I kept on walking and called out Aiko’s name. I could not call very loud because the impact of the fall had got a hold on my chest. From the lightning flashes I navigated my way through and made sure I stay away from the waters edge. But it was difficult to maintain since time on time I found myself dragged into. I often heard from my friends that when you are in trouble all the hell breaks loose on you at once. Pretty sure from their part, for I was experiencing one now.
Panic and fear both had been very loyal to me tonight as I wrestled with wind and water in my search for Aiko. Tensed and disoriented I was in the dark. I recalled her smiles and all she had done for me now. It kept on coming in my head like a hundred pictures on the wall. I called her name every step I made and was really giving hope when I heard in the dark “ I am here!” I knew she was around so I called once more, “Aiko!” and the reply came instantly from my right. I turned and went straight towards it calling her name more rapidly them before till I found her voice very close to me. With lightning flashes I could figure out where she was and went to her.
How relieved I was to find her again. I hugged her for a long while and forgot about what was happening all that moment. I asked her if she was okay. She replied that nothing was wrong with her.
I asked her, “ Can you walk?” and she said “Yes!”
I asked her to get up and we better follow the river bank for it will lead us right to the village. She was able to walk well so it didn’t take us much time before we reached the banks near the village. The river was still flooded so we had to wait on the other side. Now the wind had calmed down but the rain didn’t seem like stopping. We went under a tree nearby. Aiko was very cold so I hugged her tightly in my arms to avoid her catching cold. I asked Aiko that why didn’t she walk her way out when she was okay.
She replied, “ I was scared and I knew that you would come for me!”
I bet she was right on that.
I said, “ Why were you so confident that I would come!”
she came closer to my ears and whispered, “ Because I know that you love me from here!”
she pointed her finger on my chest as I stood there waiting for her next words. It didn’t come and I didn’t ask anymore questions and held her tightly than ever before. It dawn now for I could see the sky changing it’s colour. Not the usual dawn you want to see often but a worthy one for me because I spent whole night holding her by my side. Soon I could see some village men across the river accompanied by Jako, Sato and Hiroto.
They came in search for us and not long before they were able to locate us since we were standing in a very conspicuous place. Sato’s mouth was wide open to find me holding Aiko like that but it didn’t get into others notice for they were delighted to find us. Jako shouted that the currents are still strong so wait for him to bring his horse over. Ofcourse men can cross the stream but we were tired and cold and there was a possibility of being swept away. It didn’t take much time when Jako was able to cross the stream on his horse. I told him to take Aiko with him and I will come following him.
In reply he said, “We have another horse my friend! So don’t worry!”
Indeed he was right. Soon we were joined by Hiroto who gave me a big hug as soon as he got off the horse. He was extremely delighted to see me again. We left the river banks soon afterwards and as we approached the village there was a loud cheer for the joy of us being alive. The family was delighted to find their daughter alive whereas the villagers were delighted to see their storyteller alive. I promised myself that I would never go back to the mountains for any reason now onwards. I almost got killed and would have lost Aiko forever. Instead I would remain by the river banks. For three days I did not come out of the house. But on the fourth day I went out to the mountains again with Hiroto. For sure life is not worth living if there is no adventure. What will happen tomorrow let it happen. For today is my day and I want to live my way.