Aakansha, named by her father, did complete justice to her name. Fiercely ambitious, she had toiled hard to make her way to the top.
Published by Swati Bakshi in category Family with tag accident | ambition | sister
Read, Write & Publish Short Stories
Published by Swati Bakshi in category Family with tag accident | ambition | sister
Aakansha, named by her father, did complete justice to her name. Fiercely ambitious, she had toiled hard to make her way to the top.
Published by Biswadeep Ghosh Hazra in category Love and Romance | Suspense and Thriller with tag holiday | kill | live-in | Murder Mystery
The serial killer has been revealed and Rajesh is spending too many nights alone. What does tomorrow unfold? Read the next Crimson Diaries part,
Published by Mridula in category Love and Romance with tag dad | forever | Love | SPIXer
The windows of dreams take away my sleep.My life suddenly seem fresh and new.I know it is because of you,Let me hide this treasure deep in my heart forever…….
Published by varunjohn84 in category Social and Moral | Suspense and Thriller with tag bangalore | Gandhi | India | metro
My heart nearly stopped. I have gone mad. Really mad, I am imagining things, and that too of all people, why Gandhi? I closed my eyes, rubbed them,
Published by Swati Bakshi in category Social and Moral with tag beggar | food | girl | humanity | mad | owner
Arundhoti could not make out from the distance what exactly she was offering but heard her voice once more telling the girl this time however a little tenderly,
Published by prabhjotvarsha in category Social and Moral with tag boyfriend | dance | office | software
I have no idea where do they hire these pretty looking girls who have no brains at all. I am afraid we will have to handle her work load also.
Published by Shweta Prasad in category Social and Moral with tag death | dog | fear | job | old
During childhood a big black dog come out of dark, he had rage in his face, my heart skip a beat as he started to chase me. I ran like it was the last run of my life
Published by DaringVoice in category Family with tag Christmas | gift | kiss | Santa Claus | son
Once all his presents were opened he gave me a sloppily written Christmas card. On the outside was written, “Merry Christmas!” and on the inside a small note,
Published by Al in category Family with tag card | Friends | Life | wife
Smiling to himself he mechanically watched the game. He always felt himself peacefully surrounded by his friends. Cards and hands moving on the table were not interesting him
Published by Biswadeep Ghosh Hazra in category Suspense and Thriller with tag girl | kill | kiss | Murder Mystery | psychiatrist
The story grows as Mr.Bhardwaj finds one of his close friends (who worked in the same company as Rajesh) dead. Whom is this serial killer targeting next?