The beginning of the 21st century is an era in which the human mind has developed into a split screen, with one eye on real space and the other staring at the electronic mirror.
This Hindi story shows the poor mentality of urban lady towards hard working vendors. This story will expose the true face of society.
Kya Roti Chal kar aayegi?
This Hindi story is the true incident of my life, women are carrying burden of responsibilties in India, which are not their’s.
The Green Hearts
I wondered how perfect the leaves looked, with their neatly cut out shape and their intricate veins on them.
Dream Girl
She started getting dreams of becoming famous and winning a director’s medal.
Who is the beast????
We again witnessed the Sow , the piglets playing around her,she was also showering them with her love.
My daughter’s Saviour
As he set off, I took a sobbing Sushma back into the house and prayed for the safety of my little girl and my husband.
Be There For Your Significant Other
It is of utmost importance that you do not view the changes personally or as your partner’s investment in the relationship.
The Secret Prasad.
None of his school friends belonged to Tamil Nadu , so he wasn’t worried about his secret getting revealed ever.