When the clouds of smoke cleared a rishi figure emerged, glowing amidst the destruction caused by lord Indra. Now Indra stood silently for he was assured that the Rishi proved to be worthy.
Toxic Love
The next day Andy drove Babita to the hospital, Rachna was discharged and taken home. Chattan got home and heard his daughter was back from the hospital,
The author explained to Nandu how he escaped from the clutches of the madam. He told a story to Nandu. He stopped and came out to eat Ghughni – Mudhi.
Ichha Daman
A Hindi social moral story depicting that no one is free from desires in this world only the faces of desires change.
Legally Bound
Her husband, Arijit had promised that he would make it, but at the last moment he had to attend a meeting.
What had woken him from his slumber he didn’t know first. But he realized what was burning him was anger, white-hot anger.
Control anger before it controls you is what we often say, because we all have felt it whether as a fleeting annoyance or as full-fledged rage.
Defects are no more defects
Tanya usually spend her time lonely at home, at school. She got no friends to share what’s in her mind. She isolate herself from other people.
My Behaviour and Mother
The only thing I gave her was my arrogant behavior. Many a times we do this to our mother, knowingly or unknowingly as it had always been in my case.
Something he had read a long time ago echoed in his mind. The ones that love us, never really leave us. He looked up and smiled at Sutara.