GiftsbyMeeta has been blessed with the overwhelming response from the people from across the world, especially people love our products irrespective of whether they buy or not.
Wifi- you just killed it
You are a serious trouble for all the human beings but nobody can help because we have taken our commitment with you very far and there is no looking back.
Broken from Dubai
Dubai – The United Arab Emirates, there’s an image in everyone’s mind about any destination in the world before you visit this country but it is not always the reality it could be just decors like in my story.
Sometime a normal day may also become horrible. If you are travelling alone, you should inform someone about it. This Prem’s story tells us about that.
The Candidates
Most people won’t come to know all this. Especially the higher management. Because employees like that are so busy working they don’t have time to please the higher-ups.
He desperately wanted to go back to India. He was eagerly waiting for the days to pass by. He thought to himself – Is this what I really wanted? Read moral short story
The Chairman’s Advisor
Ratanlal wiped his tear stained eyes clean, adjusted his tie and combed his hair with his hands to look presentable. He was after all still the Chairman of a large company, albeit a failing one.
Guldasta (4)
Guldasta (4 ) is the collection of four Hindi short stories highlighting the various social contradictions present in our society.
I wanted to tell him that they both are left with each other only to support, to care ,now when I am gone he is just eighteen, I least expect him to stay
The Interview !!
Tarun was very exited as he got a call for interview in a very long time. And He did some research about the company and got really good feed backs.