I often wonder why our education tests children’s memory than their potential. How do marks which test my retention power measure me as a person?
Love – a gift or a pain
It was the day when I have seen her for the first time ,for the first time my heart skipped a beat. Her hair was flying like an aimless bird, playing over her face.
Race- A letter for her
Days passed from the result day her life was changed completely.Her smiles were turned fake. Her sleep were replaced by books.Her dreams become scary.
Maths Magic
How much love and affection that you and amma have on me and I thought, I should stretch myself more, work hard and smart to do something different.
Is good score in academic required any more for a job paying best Salary?
I studied well and scored good also. Best part is good salary too. I am still asking myself questions, is study helped me or something else? For me it’s not study.
Oh, To Bring Back That Priceless Smile On Mom’s Face!
This is a real story about a loving son, a youth who just wanted to make up to his mother for making her weep on his dismal performance in his examination.
Progress Report
This Hindi story is about effort of elders to see that youngsters are not discouraged in studies and even the backward students also can be better.
Status: In a relationship
I try to finish the first three things and its already late for the class. I pack my bags in a hurry and saw the clock. 11.45 am. OMG! the class starts in 15 minutes !!!
Stars encouraged me
By those days I got one icon who help me to over come from that depression who is- STARS. I learn one thing in this life don’t give up, just move
Weeping Girl and a Sparkling Entrepreneur
I would like to look like her and always felt happy when people say I look beautiful and I look like my mom.To me my mom is the most beautiful lady,