Literary superiority makes a short story famous but it must also reach the intended readers. Read easily doable tips for short story authors to increase their online reader base.
It is reported that the LIKE button has disappeared from social media sites, throwing the netizens into panic and manic depression. Reports are pouring in,
The Genesis Of Stupidity
The boy’s father never knew what happiness was since he was gifted with an insubordinate son and many more equally if not more insubordinate employees at work.
Little Kiara
Kiara had lost her best friend.. Ridzi always used to forget about kiara when she met new people.. but kiara never felt bad about it.. Rajveer fell in love with Kiara..
Mistake – A Lesson
Shradha’s story is Hindi moral story of today’s youths who live in their dream world, away from the reality, without understanding good or bad, and end up spoiling themselves.
Waiting for Monique
Puneet arrived at the fountain at 6.20 p.m. He had sprayed on his favourite Issey Miyake cologne, and he felt good. A first date, that too with a Seychellois model
Infidelity…with all it’s heart!
“I love you, will you marry me?” At last! Aruni heard those awaited words from Raghav, rather, saw them floating on her computer screen. Aruni had been waiting to hear this
Sunset Years
He sat on his rocking chair, watching the sunset from his porch. Another day had ended. The sounds of the night began, breaking the silence of twilight.