This English poem is all about my school with many rules. School where I studied for 13 years and those days have grow old with me,
The Luckiest
But it does not seem necessary for him to remain as a loner for the rest of his lives in this school as he was destined to meet someone who would offer a helping hand
You Should Have Told Me..
I was shock of his answer. Even though I am mad of his ways, I still found so much reason to be happy. He held my hand until this moment.
Eve of the New Millennium.
And then the news came when I sat where he use to sit and where his name was written ‘Anirudh Sharma, 1999’.But he never saw the new millennium.
The running tutor
My brother had already graduated in pranks back then in Standard 4th. He began to bring out his inquisitive and dramatic skills.
Alex and John Abraham were standing outside St Paul’s College. The results were to be announced that day. Raghav smiled at his student’s father.
Road to choose…
To work for passion or to work for money. YOU CHOOSE! Someone asked me what would I prefer if time comes for me to choose between these two. NONE OF THE ABOVE, I said,
Darsheel Safary was giving a heart breaking act. I kept gazing at the TV without even blinking; the song had wakened the reminiscences which I dumped deep inside my soul
My actual friendship with Rehman began when he was in the second year of his college life. As I was walking towards one of my classes in the afternoon
She gave me the toffee!
One very fine day of November, 1998 she started scolding the entire class for our non-serious attitude towards the studies. She kept reminding us that we are board-class students