Benson sat in his bedroom, on his bed, looking longingly at the cell phone in his hand. It had cost him his saved up pocket money of six whole months. But it was worth it
Wrecked Routine
Andrew Solomon’s life was probably the most remarkably predictable one for any human being. All you need to do to predict his life is to observe him for just one week
One Night, Somewhere
Ashkmeet Jarren was one of those rare breed of people who, despite being ignored and suppressed by the rest of the world, still manages to come out on top
Ring of Sielis
The boys, both aged fifteen, were on trek through Ezhumala Forests; part of the seven day vacation their families had booked. Both had been inseparable friends for as long as either could remember, also their families.
Ironies of Life.
Said John as he watched the downpour from the window of his house. He wanted to go out and play with his best friend and neighbour and classmate Arun
“Manu…Manu.”, cried a devastated looking lady. She ran towards the open door. But she stopped short and covered her eyes with her arms