I noticed a young man standing across the street near the traffic light. He seemed to be waiting for someone,someone dear to him.
The Wait !
Published by Ashfaque Ahamed in category Social and Moral with tag coffee | Rain | wait | young man
Read, Write & Publish Short Stories
Published by Ashfaque Ahamed in category Social and Moral with tag coffee | Rain | wait | young man
I noticed a young man standing across the street near the traffic light. He seemed to be waiting for someone,someone dear to him.
Published by Samrat Sinha in category Love and Romance with tag beautiful | face | road | rose | walk
Suddenly one day, I got a breath of fragrant roses. Someone was approaching me. The whiff grew into a strong aroma as I saw a beautiful girl approach.
Published by ljandmones in category Suspense and Thriller with tag attack | death | snow
Let him sleep for a while. He has great power even though the white flame is not that powerful. its only like the 1st level of flames.
Published by Anusha_Bhat in category Family | Funny and Hilarious with tag India | Teen
I had broken some ‘valuable’ crockery.Amma went on to explain, in great detail, why the crockery was so important to her. It was the family heirloom, she said
Published by Kunal Haldipur in category Family | Social and Moral with tag Love | marriage | Mother | play | son | theater
Maya notices his presence in the front rows as well, and she cannot hide away from feeling happy with the attention she gets, smiling when they have an eye contact
Published by shafeeq in category Family with tag Exam | Hostel | marks | Mom | school | student
Darsheel Safary was giving a heart breaking act. I kept gazing at the TV without even blinking; the song had wakened the reminiscences which I dumped deep inside my soul
Published by Asmi in category Family | Love and Romance with tag alone | asylum | Love | Rain | regret | wife
He was good through all those days. He did not even think twice before leaving her alone. He even felt shame to claim any relation with her
Published by awais23 in category Family with tag family | hospital | other woman | son
Asim had not listened to such words for many years. The last time he felt such compassion from his father was when he was twelve years old
Published by Pratibha in category Love and Romance with tag birthday | call | Life | Love | son
She still can’t help herself writing his name whenever she has a pen and paper. For her love is skipping a heartbeat every time Param looks at her
Published by Hema Gusain in category Social and Moral with tag Arranged Marriage | beauty | fog
The fog. The mysterious, magnificent and silent fog that would paint every object in its path with smoky gray shade. She was obsessed with it.