Love is the most beautiful feeling but its not always possible that we love someone and got the same in reward. Sometime its one sided
Published by Nidhi Vyas in category Hindi | Hindi Poetry | Poetry with tag Love | luck | Moon | pain
Read, Write & Publish Short Stories
Published by Nidhi Vyas in category Hindi | Hindi Poetry | Poetry with tag Love | luck | Moon | pain
Love is the most beautiful feeling but its not always possible that we love someone and got the same in reward. Sometime its one sided
Published by Kunal Sharma in category Poetry with tag friend | Love | special
To Someone Special To Me is the poem which expresses the feelings of the poet. It is dedicated to his best friend who changed his life completely.
Published by ljandmones in category Science Fiction with tag power
Ezz and Mike are infront of each other. Eyes to eyes. Power against power face to face and hopefully not nose to nose
Published by Asmi in category Social and Moral with tag client | girl | marriage | prostitute
My baba married me off to him. He took me to Delhi. After few days, he started ill treating me. He even insisted and forced me to work in brothels.
Published by lovely girl in category Love and Romance with tag best friend | marriage | propose | smile | tutions
I was immediately attracted to those lovely brown eyes. I cannot forget the sparkle of those eyes and his winky smile.The day went by thinking about the first smile he gave me.
Published by Asmi in category Hindi | Hindi Poetry | Poetry with tag Dreams | girl | Indian society | sea | tears | waves
This Hindi poem is about life and the struggle a person has to endure to achieve his/ her aims and goals. It has a message that only those will be reach to the apex and achieve their goals
Published by pragyansharma polavarapu in category Family with tag trees | tsunami
She perhaps came to the beach with her parents. One cannot say what happened to the parents. They perhaps perished due to the tsunami fury
Published by praveen gola in category Hindi | Hindi Poetry | Poetry with tag desire | Dream | husband | work
This Hindi poem highlights the will power of an Indian wife who crushed Her desires in front of His husband wishes and makes Herself strong internally through Her strong will-Power.
Published by prabhjotvarsha in category Social and Moral with tag article | aunty | fat | Indian | Kids
For most of us, a woman is called Aunty, when she looks old, fat and wears old fashioned Indian salwaar suit or a saree.
Published by Kunal Sharma in category Suspense and Thriller with tag team
Grovyle and Pikachu formed Team Pokemon and joined the Pokemon Guild and began their training there.