Suhasini, by now had a change of mind about pet animals – a cat or a dog; kitten or puppies. The animals were not by themselves any pounding headache. It was all our attitude towards them that mattered.
The Warning of the Cat
Editor’s Choice: When Sneha woke up one night to find a cat in her bedroom, she never expected their conversation to have such deep repercussions on the future of the Earth.
It was common for everyone to overlook or forget the sad memories when there are so many good ones happening in their lives.
I got up shockingly by a loud noise of a cry followed by a louder one of something falling or whatever it was. That was a CAT cry, and it was so painful. A social story.
The Maniac Family (Part I) -The Biggest Thief
Tt was an important call and for just hardly a minute or two Mr Basu had stood facing the window answering the call. How was it possible for that maid to obtain the box within such a little time? Read hilarious story
Born of Love
Right in front of me, I saw a small shrivelled little grey kitten, sitting on a puddle and meowing pitifully. I lifted up the small thing in my arms and took it home. Read story of pet cat
Life Well Lived and True Opulence……..
A life lived of money is no life. A life kind-hearted, generous, and satisfactory is a life of true opulence. A social story of young girl Tina who is an angel inside.
Jenny – My True Love
Even though, Jenny was not with me, I could feel the memories she left behind with me and the happiest moments between us in the form of her little kittens.
A Cat’s Mind
Somehow with all the hope she had of returning back to her home she managed to drag herself to the giant’s front door where they received her with open arms.
Bare Triviality of Life
A social story of how things matter to us for some phases of our life and later how they become a mere triviality.