Manu got a new friend a little boy Tom . He was seven years old. He couldn’t get a friend of his age. The duo became good friends very soon. Their families also became very close.
Ambition knows no bounds
He started telling me how he spoke to all his passengers. People who would not talk initially would suddenly open up and involve him in long conversations.
The Maniac Family (Part I) -The Biggest Thief
Tt was an important call and for just hardly a minute or two Mr Basu had stood facing the window answering the call. How was it possible for that maid to obtain the box within such a little time? Read hilarious story
In a suspense story, Tom started looking as he did notice some different hair colors. Not only was her hair different in each of her photos, but the guys also that had their arms around her.
Reflection of the dark
He dared to watch me in the mirror but could not so that’s why he is here. Now I warn you (Don’t turn back)”.The driver turned back to see truck coming his way and they both collided.”BOOM”
The Vicious Circle
The younger boy’s heart went out to the driver, feeling embarrassed at such an erosion of respect and loss of self-esteem. The driver’s face was expressionless,
Things Never Last But Memories Do
After that, things changed. Miraculously, my motion sickness left me and life in the bus took a turn. I was making new friends and playing
It was before the driver was arrested that I saw that man whom Ramesh went with that night. He came to that very restaurant
At the time of driving, I just forget I’ m a Man with Heart which has got emotions. I just make myself as a Robo who drives this car with no emotions.
The DTC Bus Conductor
With my 8-year experience of travelling in DTC buses, I can categorize DTC conductors into two broad categories. The first and one I like are the “jolly” ones